San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association endorses a Yes Vote on Prop 20. Proposition 20 fixes four specific flaws contained in recent criminal justice reforms — addressing violent crime classification and serial theft, as well as parole reform and DNA collection.
San Francisco’s Crime Rate is going up as it relates to thefts and some violent crimes. The SFPD Crime Dashboard shows that Homicide is up 41%, Burglaries are up 43%, Motor Vehicle Theft is up 29%, and Arson is up 45%.
The President of the San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association Ken Lomba stated, “They put together a thoughtful and meaningful amendment with Prop 20 to fix these loopholes because at the end of the day we want public safety. We don’t want lawlessness, we don’t want crime free for all’s and we are seeing that on the tv almost daily now.” Prop 20 fixes the loopholes in the past changes in the law.
You can read more about Prop 20 at Keep California Safe.
Please vote by November 3rd for the San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association Endorsed Candidates and Propositions!
The San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association is the labor union representing deputy sheriffs and senior deputy sheriffs in the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department.
“Paid for by the San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association PAC. Not authorized by a candidate or committee controlled by a candidate. Financial disclosures are available at sfethics.org.”