郵寄或喺11月5號,投選Leif Dautch李多福為地檢官。


Leif Dautch李多福正競選地檢官,佢將追捕攻擊長者,兒童及小生意嘅犯罪組織。



郵寄或喺11月5號,投選Leif Dautch李多福為地檢官。



財務披露請瀏覽sfethics dot org。s-f-e-t-h-i-c-s dot org。

SFDSA endorses Ivy Lee for City College Board

San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs' Association President Ken Lomba

The San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association is pleased to announce its endorsement for the City College of San Francisco Board of Trustee.  “Ivy Lee represents the best candidate for the City College of San Francisco Board of Trustee,” says SFDSA President Ken Lomba.  “Ivy did extremely well in all areas of our process.  What we liked most of all was her ideas to better City College of San Francisco and her concerns for increasing public safety for the college students.  We found that she is in alignment with our vision as we continue to protect San Francisco. We are proud to endorse Ivy Lee for City College Board,” he says.

The San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association went through a rigorous process to arrive at its endorsements.  The SFDSA political action committee thoroughly researches candidates and invites candidates to participate in a questionnaire addressing important public safety and district issues.  On Sept 11th, our Board of Directors considered the recommendations of the political action committee and voted to endorse Ivy Lee for City College Board of Trustee.

“I’m very happy to have the endorsement of the San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association. I really appreciate your endorsement and all that you do,” said Ivy Lee.

The San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association is the labor union representing deputy sheriffs and senior deputy sheriffs in the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department.

“Paid for by the San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association PAC.  Not authorized by a candidate or committee controlled by a candidate.  Financial disclosures are available at sfethics.org.”

SFDSA endorses Vallie Brown for District 5 Supervisor

San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs' Association President Ken Lomba

The San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association is pleased to announce its endorsement for San Francisco District 5 Board of Supervisor.  “Vallie Brown represents the best candidate for improving District 5 in San Francisco,” says SFDSA President Ken Lomba.  “Vallie excelled in all areas of our process.  What we liked most of all was her vision to better District 5 and her concerns for increasing public safety for the San Franciscans.  We found that she is in alignment with our vision as we continue to protect San Francisco. We are proud to endorse Vallie Brown for District 5,” he says.

The San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association went through a rigorous process to arrive at its endorsements.  The SFDSA political action committee thoroughly researched candidates and invited each candidate for District 5 to participate in a questionnaire addressing important public safety and district issues.  On Sept 11th, our Board of Directors considered the recommendations of the political action committee and voted to endorse Vallie Brown for District 5 Board of Supervisor.

Vallie Brown

“It is an honor to have the endorsement of the San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association. They represent hundreds of women and men in the Sheriff’s Department who I have worked closely with at City Hall and at the Board of Supervisor’s meetings. I really appreciate your support and endorsement,” said Vallie Brown.

The San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association is the labor union representing deputy sheriffs and senior deputy sheriffs in the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department.

“Paid for by the San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association PAC.  Not authorized by a candidate or committee controlled by a candidate.  Financial disclosures are available at sfethics.org.”

Is SF Crime Data lying?

Crime seems to be out of control in San Francisco. Yet in some cases the SF Crime Data states crime is decreasing. The question then becomes is that accurate, if not why isn’t it accurate.

We all have been watching and reading the news and on top of that we have been talking to the people in the communities. All we hear is how much crime there is. The main topics have been violence, illegal drug use and sales, thefts and car break ins.

“I had a discussion with my team on this topic and what we believe is happening is that the people of San Francisco are increasingly not reporting crime since San Francisco has become extremely lenient on criminals with little to no consequences. An increasing percentage of people in SF figure what’s the use of reporting it when nothing will be done,” said Ken Lomba San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association President.

We conducted a poll on our San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs' Association Facebook FanpageFacebook Fanpage (please like our page) asking our visitors “When your car is broken into do you report it to the police?” We had 223 people participate in the poll. 119 people marked “Yes, I report it.” 104 people marked “No, waste of time.”

What this tells us is that all the reported data given to the public stating that there is a decrease in Car Break Ins is missing something and may not be very accurate since there is no data on victims increasing or decreasing in reporting crime. This is an omission to the data presented to the public.

So what we are telling you is the crime rate in San Francisco may be worse than what is reported. For example the Car Break In number of 63 reported Car Break Ins a day is not the actual amount of Car Break Ins in San Francisco per day. It could be twice that amount, possibly 126 a day.

When SF is more lenient then the surrounding counties,
it’s a no brainer that the Criminals Come to SF.

So what is the solution, the solution is to fix San Francisco’s broken criminal justice system starting this year by voting in a working district attorney. A district attorney that is not controlled by other politicians, a district attorney that is an experienced prosecutor not a public defender.

It’s time for someone that will fix our broken criminal justice system. It’s time for someone new, it’s time for a prosecutor who is the real deal. It’s time for Leif Dautch for District Attorney.

“Paid for by the San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association PAC.  Not authorized by a candidate or committee controlled by a candidate.  Financial disclosures are available at sfethics.org.”