Prop 64: Recreational Marijuana is Legal, but Law Enforcement Agencies Can Still Prohibit It’s Use
In November 2016 California voters approved California Proposition 64 – Adult Use of Marijuana Act (“Prop 64”). Prop 64 created Health and Safety Code §11362.45 which provides that legalization of medical marijuana shall not be “construed or interpreted to amend, repeal, affect, restrict or preempt… (f) the rights and obligations of public and private employers to maintain a drug and alcohol free workplace? or affect the ability of employers to have policies prohibiting the use of marijuana by employees and prospective employees…”
The State of Policing in America (MSNBC)
Most of us get up in the morning, go about our days and never think about our local law enforcement officers, unless we hear another negative story on the news. There is a perception that there are a lot of bad cops out there. However the reality is that 99.1% of Law Enforcement officers are NOT accused of any misconduct of any kind.
San Francisco Sheriff’s Deputies can patrol streets
San Francisco sheriff’s deputies can patrol the streets of The City just like beat cops. Since Aug. 14, 2015, the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department has been certified by the state’s police training body — the California Commission on Police Officers’ Standards and Training — to train deputies for street patrol duties.