London Breed’s Leadership: Enabling Chaos, Facilitating Addiction, and Failing San Francisco

San Francisco is in crisis. The city that was once the pride of the West Coast has become a symbol of lawlessness, addiction, and failed leadership. London Breed’s policies, flip-flopping on key issues, have taken us to this point. Under her watch, San Francisco has experienced record-high overdose deaths, rampant open-air drug use, and an escalation of public disorder.

In 2023, San Francisco witnessed the deadliest year on record for overdose deaths. More than 3,000 lives have been lost to fentanyl during Breed’s tenure, and the city has spiraled into chaos. Yet, despite these catastrophic numbers, Mayor Breed continues to mislead San Franciscans with failed policies, political opportunism, and inconsistency.

As the 2024 mayoral election approaches, San Franciscans must ask themselves: Is this the future we want for our city?

Mark Farrell

Breed’s Flip-Flopping on Safe Consumption Sites: A Failed Experiment

In 2020, Mayor Breed announced her plan to create safe consumption sites, where individuals could use drugs under supervision. Breed championed these sites as part of a broader “harm reduction” strategy to address the opioid crisis. But as overdose deaths skyrocketed, it became clear that these policies were not solving the problem. Instead, they were enabling it.

Breed’s support for the Tenderloin Linkage Center, a “state of emergency” experiment in the heart of San Francisco’s Tenderloin District, allowed drug users to openly consume narcotics under the guise of harm reduction. In just 11 months, the center reversed 333 overdoses, but rather than addressing the root cause of addiction or cleaning up the streets, the site became a symbol of Breed’s failure to get control of the crisis.

Breed’s response? Close the center without explanation in December 2022. Her experiment ended, leaving the city with nothing but higher death tolls and continued disorder. Instead of delivering solutions, Breed’s leadership amounted to little more than an expensive failed experiment.

Inconsistency at the Helm: Political Survival Over San Francisco’s Well-Being

Breed’s recent pivot to law-and-order rhetoric is nothing more than an attempt to salvage her political career as the 2024 mayoral election approaches. After years of enabling open-air drug use through her harm reduction policies, she has now begun increasing police patrols and arrests in a transparent effort to convince voters she’s serious about public safety.

This shift isn’t based on conviction or a real plan—it’s pure political calculation. Mayor Breed has seen the writing on the wall. She knows San Franciscans are fed up with the lawlessness, the crime, the rampant drug use, and the neglect of public safety. But after years of facilitating and perpetuating addiction, her sudden crackdown rings hollow.

Where was this concern for public safety when she allowed open drug use in the Tenderloin? Where was the law-and-order approach when she pushed for safe consumption sites while overdose deaths surged to record highs?

Breed’s actions show a clear pattern: she panders to public opinion only when it benefits her politically. In 2020 and 2021, it was politically expedient to push for harm reduction. Now, with an election looming, she’s flipped to a tougher stance on crime. But after years of enabling the very disorder she now claims to be addressing, can San Franciscans trust her sudden shift?

Safe Consumption Sites: Enabling Lawlessness, Perpetuating Addiction

Breed’s support for safe consumption sites has had devastating consequences. While these sites were supposed to reduce harm, they normalized drug use and contributed to the public disorder that now defines San Francisco’s streets. And the evidence is clear: under Breed’s leadership, overdose deaths soared.

Governor Gavin Newsom, recognizing the dangers posed by these sites, vetoed a state bill that would have allowed them to operate legally. Yet, even after this veto, Breed continued to push for local sites, defying state law and ignoring the public’s safety.

Her insistence on opening safe consumption sites, even when faced with overwhelming evidence that they were failing, shows a clear disregard for the well-being of San Francisco’s residents. Instead of providing treatment and recovery options, these sites acted as enablers of addiction, keeping people trapped in a cycle of drug use and dependence.

San Francisco needs leadership that prioritizes recovery, safety, and accountability. Mayor Breed’s harm reduction strategy has failed. Her inconsistency and opportunism have created an environment where addiction flourishes, crime rises, and families feel unsafe.

Mark Farrell: The Leader San Francisco Needs

In contrast to Breed’s failed leadership, Mark Farrell has a clear, consistent, and actionable plan to fix San Francisco. He understands that law and order are essential to rebuilding the city, but he also knows that addiction must be treated with a recovery-first approach.

Farrell’s plan focuses on:

  • Declaring a fentanyl state of emergency, with more armed California National Guard officers to address open-air drug markets and trafficking.
  • Building a large-scale, 24/7 centralized intake center, staffed with social workers and medical professionals, to triage those in need and guide them through recovery.
  • Scrapping Breed’s failed Overdose Prevention Plan, which has enabled drug use, and shifting the focus to recovery-first and abstinence-based options.
  • Increasing police staffing levels to serve as a deterrent to drug dealing and public drug use, while also providing more recovery beds and detox opportunities for those in need.
  • Reforming pretrial detention to end the cycle of catch-and-release policies that Breed allowed to flourish, and ensuring that individuals revived with Narcan receive mandated treatment.

Mark Farrell’s vision is one of a cleaner, safer, and thriving San Francisco—a city where families can walk the streets without fear, where businesses can prosper, and where addiction is treated as a public health crisis with real solutions, not empty promises.

Time to Choose: Failed Leadership or Real Change?

San Franciscans deserve better than London Breed’s inconsistency and political gamesmanship. Under her watch, our city has fallen into chaos. Her policies have facilitated addiction, enabled lawlessness, and contributed to the deterioration of public safety.

Mark Farrell offers the real leadership San Francisco needs. He has a plan to save lives, restore safety, and clean up our streets. This election is a choice between more of the same chaos under Breed or a better, brighter future for San Francisco with Farrell at the helm.

The choice is yours. Vote for Mark Farrell. It’s time to fix San Francisco.


“Paid for by the San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association PAC. Not authorized by a candidate or committee controlled by a candidate. Financial disclosures are available at”

Fentanyl Breed: 3,000+ Deaths on Her Watch

San Francisco Mayor London Breed has become synonymous with the city’s worsening drug epidemic. Recently, a poll on X (formerly Twitter) dubbed her “Fentanyl Breed,” and the name couldn’t be more fitting. Since taking office, Breed’s policies and reforms have not only failed to curb the opioid crisis—they’ve exacerbated it, leading to over 3,000 overdose deaths during her tenure.

Fentanyl Breed

Despite the good intentions behind harm reduction strategies and supervised drug consumption sites, the reality is that Breed’s leadership has enabled a deadly cycle of addiction. Rather than reducing harm, these policies have facilitated drug use and turned San Francisco into a haven for addicts. The result? A staggering 212.7% increase in overdose deaths since 2018.

A City in Crisis: The Data Speaks for Itself

Let’s start with the numbers. From 2014 to 2023, San Francisco experienced a sharp rise in drug overdose deaths. Under Ed Lee, overdose deaths increased by 46%. During Mark Farrell’s brief tenure, the increase was 16.7%. But under London Breed? Overdose deaths skyrocketed by 212.7%, an unprecedented escalation.

  • Ed Lee (2014-2017): 46% increase in overdose deaths
  • Mark Farrell (2018): 16.7% increase in overdose deaths
  • London Breed (2018-2023): 212.7% increase in overdose deaths

Under Breed, more than 3,000 San Franciscans have lost their lives to drug overdoses, many of these deaths tied to the rampant spread of fentanyl—a synthetic opioid 50 times more potent than heroin. While fentanyl was already present in the drug supply before her time, Breed’s policies enabled the crisis to spiral out of control.


Harm Reduction or Harm Creation?

The cornerstone of Breed’s public health strategy has been harm reduction—policies designed to reduce the negative consequences of drug use rather than eliminate it altogether. This includes clean needle programs, naloxone distribution, and her administration’s active push for supervised drug consumption sites. But with fentanyl’s extreme potency, these strategies have done little more than prolong the inevitable: death.

Instead of confronting the root of the crisis—addiction—Breed’s policies have normalized drug use. Supervised drug consumption sites, while touted as life-saving, are illegal under federal and state law. Despite this, Breed’s administration has been hell-bent on bringing these sites to the city, turning San Francisco into a lawless zone for drug users. These policies do not just overlook the problem; they perpetuate it.

Supervised Consumption Sites: Illegal and Dangerous

Supervised drug consumption sites are the most blatant example of Breed’s failed leadership. These sites, where individuals can legally use drugs under supervision, directly violate the Controlled Substances Act and California state law. Despite these legal barriers, Breed’s administration has pushed forward with plans to open these sites, effectively encouraging illegal activity within the city’s borders.

Let’s be clear: supervised drug consumption sites may reduce overdose deaths in the short term, but they also facilitate continued drug use. These policies send a message that drug use is acceptable, even supported. By creating these safe zones for drug users, Breed is actively attracting addicts to San Francisco. The result is not just more drug use but an influx of users from other cities and states, drawn to San Francisco by its reputation as a place where drug use is easy and consequence-free.

This is not harm reduction—this is harm creation.

Fentanyl: The Deadly Consequence of Breed’s Policies

Fentanyl’s extreme addictive nature and lethality cannot be overstated. Even the smallest miscalculation in dosage can lead to immediate overdose and death. Breed’s harm reduction policies, while perhaps effective with less potent drugs, fall dangerously short in the face of fentanyl. The distribution of clean needles, naloxone, and discussions of supervised consumption sites have not curbed the crisis—they have fueled it.

Breed’s refusal to prioritize aggressive treatment options or enforce stricter regulations on drug use has left San Francisco drowning in fentanyl. And with more people than ever flocking to the city for its lenient drug policies, the situation is spiraling out of control. Instead of stopping the flood, Breed has opened the floodgates.

Attracting More Drug Users to San Francisco

It is no coincidence that San Francisco has seen an increase in its homeless and drug-using population. Breed’s policies have created a magnet for those seeking a city where drugs can be obtained, used, and even facilitated by city officials. San Francisco has become a place where public drug use is rampant, and the city’s resources are overwhelmed.

By failing to enforce the law and instead advocating for policies that directly contradict federal and state drug laws, Breed and her administration have attracted thousands of drug users to the city, making the crisis worse. She violated her oath of office by promoting illegal activity and turning San Francisco into a sanctuary for addiction rather than a city of rehabilitation and recovery.

A Betrayal of Public Trust

Breed’s policies do more than violate the law—they betray the public trust. Every politician swears an oath to uphold the law, but Breed’s active support for policies that enable illegal drug use directly contravenes this responsibility. Instead of focusing on long-term solutions to addiction, Breed has perpetuated short-term fixes that do nothing to address the underlying causes of the crisis.

Supervised consumption sites, clean needle programs, and naloxone distribution are not enough to combat the power of fentanyl. By enabling drug use, Breed is not just turning her back on the law—she is turning her back on the people of San Francisco. The thousands of overdose deaths on her watch are a direct result of her failed leadership.

The Lives Lost on Breed’s Watch

With more than 3,000 overdose deaths under her leadership, London Breed has overseen the deadliest period in San Francisco’s modern history. Harm reduction, as practiced by her administration, has failed to reduce harm. Instead, it has created an environment where addiction flourishes, drug users flock to the city, and public safety is jeopardized.

The city needs leadership that will stand up to this crisis with real solutions—treatment, enforcement, and rehabilitation—not policies that enable addiction. London Breed has failed San Francisco. It’s time to recognize the deadly impact of her decisions and demand accountability.

San Francisco’s residents deserve a city that fights for their safety, not one that perpetuates harm. The crisis must end, and it begins with rejecting the failed policies of “Fentanyl Breed.”

Chart 1: Overdose Deaths Under London Breed

Fentanyl Breed: 3,000+ Deaths on Her Watch







Chart 2: Timeline of Harm Reduction Efforts and Overdose Deaths

Fentanyl Breed: 3,000+ Deaths on Her Watch






“Paid for by the San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association PAC. Not authorized by a candidate or committee controlled by a candidate. Financial disclosures are available at”

Exposing the Lack of Action: How the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office is Failing Recruitment and Retention

Slow Recruitment PlansIn the competitive landscape of law enforcement, the ability to attract and retain qualified personnel is not just a goal—it’s a necessity. For the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office (SFSO), however, this has become an area of significant failure. The challenges we face are not solely due to external factors or the inherent difficulties of law enforcement recruitment. Instead, much of the problem lies within the SFSO itself, particularly due to the lack of decisive action and strategic use of available resources by its leadership.

The Opportunity: Funding for Top Step Salaries

Every year, the City of San Francisco allocates a budget to the SFSO that is designed to fully fund each deputy position at the top pay step. In simple terms, this means that the Sheriff’s Office has the financial backing to offer new hires a higher starting salary than what is currently being offered. This could be a significant advantage in a job market where competitive pay is a major factor in attracting qualified candidates.

However, despite this opportunity, the SFSO continues to start new deputies at Step 1—the lowest possible salary step. This approach not only underutilizes the budget but also puts the SFSO at a disadvantage compared to other law enforcement agencies that offer higher starting salaries. Potential recruits, when faced with the choice between a higher starting salary elsewhere and the lower offer from the SFSO, are understandably choosing the better pay.

The Authority: The Power to Hire at Higher Steps

What makes this situation even more concerning is that Sheriff Miyamoto has the authority to hire new deputies at higher steps—such as Step 2 or higher—especially in circumstances where there is a severe and documented recruiting and retention problem. This isn’t just a policy buried in bureaucratic paperwork; it’s a practical tool designed to help departments like ours overcome recruitment challenges by making the job more attractive to prospective hires.

Currently, the SFSO is experiencing exactly the kind of staffing shortages that this authority was meant to address. Our recruitment efforts have not kept pace with the demand, leading to understaffing that strains our existing deputies and compromises public safety. And yet, despite having both the financial resources and the authority to offer more competitive starting salaries, the Sheriff has not taken this critical step.

Lagging Behind: The Competitive Landscape

To understand how far behind the SFSO is in its recruitment strategy, consider the practices of other law enforcement agencies across California. For instance, the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD), Oakland Police Department, and Alameda County Sheriff’s Office have adopted more flexible and inclusive hiring practices. These agencies accept multiple written examination options, including the POST Entry-Level Law Enforcement Test Battery (PELLETB) and the National Testing Network (NTN) Frontline exams. Additionally, they recognize Basic Police Academy certifications and associate degrees as valid qualifications.

This flexibility allows these agencies to draw from a larger pool of applicants, including those who may have already passed the PELLETB exam or who have pursued higher education. By contrast, the SFSO’s exclusive reliance on the NTN exam as the sole written examination option unnecessarily narrows our applicant pool. We are effectively telling qualified candidates that they need to jump through additional hoops just to be considered for a position, while other agencies are offering a more straightforward and accessible path to employment.

Missed Opportunities: The Consequences of Inaction

The consequences of these missed opportunities are severe. Every unfilled position increases the burden on our current deputies, who are already stretched thin. This not only affects their morale but also their safety and effectiveness in carrying out their duties. Furthermore, the public’s safety is at risk when we do not have enough deputies to adequately patrol our streets, manage our jails, and provide necessary services to the community.

In his public and internal communications, Sheriff Miyamoto has expressed support for eliminating Step 1 pay for certain positions, acknowledging the need to make the SFSO more competitive. However, words without action are meaningless. The Sheriff has yet to implement the necessary changes to take advantage of the budget that already exists and the authority he possesses.

A Call to Action: What Needs to Be Done

It’s time for the SFSO to stop lagging behind and start leading. The funding is there. The authority is there. What’s missing is the will to act. Sheriff Miyamoto must use the resources at his disposal to hire new deputies at competitive rates, starting at Step 2 or higher. Additionally, the SFSO should align its hiring practices with those of other forward-thinking agencies by offering multiple written examination options and recognizing academy certifications and degrees.

The stakes are too high for inaction. The safety of our community, the well-being of our deputies, and the effectiveness of our law enforcement efforts depend on a fully staffed and motivated force. The time for change is now.

The SFSO’s leadership needs to recognize the urgency of our recruitment challenges and take immediate, decisive action. The tools and resources are available—it’s time to use them effectively. By doing so, we can ensure that the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office not only meets the current demands but also sets the standard for law enforcement recruitment and retention in California.

How Mayor London Breed Defunded the Sheriff’s Office

San Francisco’s public safety has been in a precarious position due to Mayor London Breed’s approach to handling the city’s law enforcement agencies, particularly the Sheriff’s Office. Despite growing concerns about understaffing, rising violent incidents in jails, and the critical need for better resource allocation, Mayor Breed’s decisions have led to what many see as a strategic defunding of the Sheriff’s Office. This article delves into the details of how this has unfolded.

Defunder London Breed

Civilianizing Police Positions

One of the key moves by Mayor Breed has been the civilianization of police and deputy sheriff positions. By replacing sworn officers with civilians in various roles and introducing so-called “ambassadors” without police powers, the Mayor has significantly reduced the number of operational deputies and police officers. While the intention is to increase the presence of mental health professionals and address crime as a mental health issue, this shift has left police officers and deputy sheriffs struggling to cope with the escalating demands of their jobs. This reallocation of responsibilities has effectively reduced the number of police and deputies available to handle the core functions of law enforcement, further straining the already overstressed system.

Denying Critical Funding Requests

The Mayor’s budgetary policies have directly impacted the staffing levels within the Sheriff’s Office. In recent years, the number of deputy sheriffs has been declining, leaving the department dangerously understaffed. The latest figures indicate that there are currently only 611 deputies, a number far below what is needed to ensure public safety and manage the city’s jails, courts, and booking facilities effectively.

A clear example of this is Mayor Breed’s denial of the Sheriff’s request for $500,000 specifically allocated for recruiting new deputies. This refusal to fund essential recruiting efforts has further exacerbated the staffing crisis, leaving the department unable to attract and retain the personnel needed to function effectively. Without adequate funding for recruitment, the Sheriff’s Office cannot compete with other law enforcement agencies offering better hiring incentives and support.

Pausing Hiring and Promotions

In June 2020, Mayor Breed took the drastic step of pausing all police and sheriff’s hires and promotions to conduct an audit of law enforcement exams to root out bias. While addressing bias is important, this move has significantly hampered the already strained Sheriff’s Office. The pause put on hold exams for hundreds of potential jobs and promotions, leaving 636 people eligible to become deputy sheriffs without the opportunity to be hired or promoted​ (SF mayor pauses police,…)​. This strategic pause has created a bottleneck in the hiring pipeline, delaying the entry of new deputies into the force and exacerbating the understaffing issue.

Progressive Justice System and Jail Closures

Mayor Breed’s focus on a progressive justice system has also contributed to the current challenges. She has been a strong proponent of closing jails and opposing the construction of new ones, aiming to reduce incarceration rates. In 2015, she led the effort to reject an $80 million grant from the State Public Works Board to build a new jail, favoring alternatives to incarceration such as mental health treatment and substance abuse programs​ (San Francisco superviso…)​.

As a result, San Francisco’s jails are now overcrowded and often on lockdown due to the high number of inmates, many of whom are violent offenders. The facilities were not designed to handle such a high concentration of violent individuals, leading to increased incidents of violence within the jails and making it even more challenging for the understaffed Sheriff’s Office to maintain order and safety. The progressive justice system has also led to several issues:

  1. Lack of Sunlight: Inmates who do not receive adequate sunlight are at risk for vitamin D deficiency, which can lead to weakened bones, fatigue, and a weakened immune system. Additionally, the lack of natural light exposure can contribute to depression and other mental health issues.
  2. Limited Recreation Space: Physical activity is essential for maintaining physical and mental health. The lack of recreation space in overcrowded jails leads to a sedentary lifestyle, increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and other health problems. Mentally, the absence of regular exercise can exacerbate stress, anxiety, and depression.
  3. Reduced Rehabilitation Opportunities: The shortage of deputies has resulted in inadequate security for rehabilitation programs, including educational classes, vocational training, and religious meetings. Without sufficient deputies to ensure safety and security during these activities, many rehabilitation programs are curtailed or canceled, depriving inmates of critical opportunities for personal development and reintegration into society.
  4. Crowded and Inadequate Facilities: The remaining jails were not built for maximum security and are ill-equipped to handle the increase in administrative separation inmates and protective custody inmates. This overcrowding and inadequate infrastructure compromise safety and security, both for the inmates and the staff.

Additionally, the overcrowded conditions and lack of deputies have severely hindered the ability to provide necessary supervision during rehabilitation activities such as educational classes, vocational training, and religious meetings. Without adequate security, these programs are often curtailed or canceled, depriving inmates of crucial opportunities for personal development and rehabilitation.

Public Safety Buildings Built Citywide

Despite the critical need for facilities and resources for the Sheriff’s Office, Mayor Breed has prioritized other public safety projects over addressing these needs. Significant investments have been made in building and renovating multiple public safety facilities citywide, including:

  1. A new San Francisco Animal Care and Control headquarters, completed in March 2021 with a budget of $76.4 million​ (San Francisco Animal Ca…)​.
  2. The new Fireboat Station No. 35, completed in February 2022 at a cost of $51 million​ (Fireboat Station No. 35…)​.
  3. The new SFFD Station 49 (Ambulance Deployment Facility), completed in May 2021 with a budget of $50.1 million​ (New SFFD Station 49 (Am…)​.
  4. The Ingleside Police Station Replacement, an ongoing project with a budget of $53 million​ (Ingleside Police Statio…)​.
  5. The 9-1-1 Call Center renovation, an ongoing project with a budget of $9 million ​(9-1-1 Call Center | Pub…)​.
  6. Disaster response facilities, including the renovation of Kezar Pavilion, with a budget of $137 million​ (Disaster Response Facil…)​.

While these projects address various public safety needs, the lack of comparable investments in the Sheriff’s Office highlights a clear disparity in resource allocation. This selective investment strategy suggests a bias and a lack of support for the Sheriff’s Office, further undermining its ability to function effectively.

Lack of Hiring Incentives and Public Support

Mayor Breed’s administration has also failed to implement any hiring incentives to attract new deputy sheriff applicants. Unlike other law enforcement agencies that offer signing bonuses, competitive starting salaries, and comprehensive benefits packages to attract talent, the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office has been left without similar support. This lack of hiring incentives makes it challenging for the Sheriff’s Office to compete in a highly competitive job market.

Despite the pressing need for more deputies, the Mayor’s office has not provided adequate funding for recruiting efforts or offered any substantial incentives for new applicants. The lack of urgency in addressing the hiring crisis is evident, as there have been no public statements or campaigns initiated by the Mayor to attract new recruits to the Sheriff’s Office. This oversight, combined with a misleading presentation of the budget figures—inflated by $13 million from contract negotiations—creates an illusion of increased funding and support that does not translate into tangible improvements for the deputies.

Shift in Policy Due to Public Pressure

Mayor Breed initially supported the “Defund the Police” movement, cutting $120 million from the budgets of both San Francisco’s police and sheriff’s departments in response to demands from Black Lives Matter protesters​ (Behind London Breed’s ‘…)​. However, as crime rates surged and public dissatisfaction grew, she shifted her stance, requesting more funding for the police to address rising crime, including open-air drug dealing and retail theft. Despite this shift, the Sheriff’s Office continued to face significant budgetary constraints and lack of support.

Public Safety Concerns

Public safety concerns have been on the rise since 2021, with a survey indicating that 70% of San Franciscans feel the quality of life has worsened over the past few years due to increased crime and public safety issues​ (San Franciscans concern…)​. Property crimes and violent crimes have seen significant increases, and the general public’s dissatisfaction has grown, highlighting the need for more robust law enforcement support and resources ​(Here’s what San Francis…)​.

Mayor London Breed’s approach to managing the Sheriff’s Office has led to a significant reduction in its effectiveness and resources. By civilianizing positions, neglecting critical staffing needs, pausing essential hiring and promotions, focusing on a progressive justice system, denying essential funding for recruiting, failing to make public statements to attract new applicants, and not implementing hiring incentives, the Mayor has effectively defunded the Sheriff’s Office. The result is an overstressed, understaffed department struggling to meet the demands of public safety in San Francisco.

It is imperative for the city’s leadership to reassess their priorities and provide the necessary support to ensure the safety and security of both the deputies and the public they serve. Without a strategic and balanced approach to resource allocation and support, the challenges facing the Sheriff’s Office will continue to grow, putting the safety and well-being of San Francisco’s residents at risk.

“Paid for by the San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association PAC. Not authorized by a candidate or committee controlled by a candidate. Financial disclosures are available at”

San Francisco Sheriff’s Office Faces Severe Staffing Crisis Due to Protracted Hiring Process and Lack of Support from City Leadership

San Francisco’s Sheriff’s Office is grappling with a severe staffing crisis, exacerbated by an inefficient and prolonged hiring process that takes significantly longer than neighboring departments. Despite a clear need for more deputies to ensure the safety and functionality of the city’s jails, bureaucratic delays, administrative hurdles, and a lack of support from city leadership have hindered recruitment efforts.

Prolonged Hiring Process

The San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) boasts a hiring timeline of 6 to 8 months, a stark contrast to the 9 to 16 months it takes the Sheriff’s Office to hire a deputy sheriff. According to Sheriff Paul Miyamoto, getting applicants through the office’s background check process alone can take between four to five months. When combined with San Francisco’s notoriously slow civil service hiring process, the total time to hire a new deputy often exceeds a year ​(San Francisco Needs 4,0…)​​(Why S.F.’s workforce sh…)​.

This discrepancy raises questions about the efficiency of the Sheriff’s Office’s internal processes. If a comparable agency like the SFPD can complete its hiring in 6 to 8 months, the extended timeline for the Sheriff’s Office suggests that the problem lies within its own department and decisions. This inefficiency hampers the office’s ability to attract and retain qualified candidates, exacerbating the staffing crisis.

Impact on Jail Conditions

The consequences of this staffing shortfall are dire. San Francisco jails are overcrowded and understaffed, leading to increased violence and chaos. Inmates, many of whom are mentally ill or addicted to drugs, are often left without adequate supervision or support. This has resulted in frequent lockdowns and violent confrontations, further straining the already limited resources of the Sheriff’s Office​ (SF jails_ Chaos is the …)​​(San Francisco doesn’t g…)​.

Former Assistant Sheriff Michael Marcum emphasized that jail inmates are part of the community and deserve better treatment. The lack of adequate staffing and resources not only affects the inmates but also the deputies, who are forced to work excessive overtime to cover the staffing gaps. This reliance on overtime is financially unsustainable and leads to burnout among deputies ​(San Francisco doesn’t g…)​.

Inefficiencies and Bureaucratic Hurdles

The current hiring process is riddled with inefficiencies. For instance, background investigators often require three people to verify an address, which is an undue consumption of time and resources. Additionally, there is a limited number of vehicles available for investigators, leading to further delays as they share cars to complete their tasks ​(240716 Letter to Sherif…)​.

The Deputy Sheriffs Association has proposed several solutions to address these issues, including employing outside vendors to assist with background investigations, prioritizing high-quality candidates, and offering higher starting pay to new hires. Despite these suggestions, the bureaucratic delays continue to impede progress ​(240716 Letter to Sherif…)​.

Lack of Support from City Leadership

Mayor London Breed’s administration has been criticized for not providing sufficient support to the Sheriff’s Office. Despite the pressing need for more deputies, the Mayor has not approved any money for recruiting efforts. During contract negotiations, there were no proposals for hiring incentives, and efforts to eliminate the first step in pay to attract more applicants have been delayed ​(Letter to Ardis Graham,…)​​(Mayor London Breed’s Co…)​​(Letter to Mayor, Sherif…)​.

The Mayor’s recent budget proposal, while claiming to invest in public safety, has disproportionately favored the SFPD over the Sheriff’s Office. The proposed budget includes funding for four new police academy classes and significant investments in public safety technology, but fails to address the critical staffing shortages in the Sheriff’s Office adequately ​(Mayor London Breed Prop…)​.  The department that truly got defunded was the Sheriff’s Office and the Sheriff did nothing about it.

defunded sheriff

Additionally, the Sheriff has the authority to hire entry level deputies at a higher pay step with the approval of funds by the controller, but this has not been implemented effectively. The failure to utilize this provision has further hampered recruitment efforts​ (Letter to Ardis Graham,…)​​(Mayor London Breed’s Co…)​.

San Francisco’s Sheriff’s Office is in the midst of a staffing crisis that threatens the safety and well-being of both inmates and deputies. The prolonged and inefficient hiring process, combined with a lack of political will and budget constraints, has exacerbated the situation. Immediate action is needed to streamline the hiring process, implement proposed solutions, and ensure that the Sheriff’s Office can recruit and retain the necessary staff to operate effectively. Without these changes, the cycle of understaffing and over-reliance on overtime will continue to undermine the safety and functionality of San Francisco’s jails. The city’s leadership must prioritize these reforms and provide the necessary support to address this urgent issue.

The Progressive Justice System in San Francisco: A Marxist Experiment in Failure

San Francisco’s progressive justice system, designed to create a more equitable society through extensive reforms, has instead led to catastrophic outcomes. The parallels between these policies and Marxist ideology are undeniable, and their failures are stark and undeniable. The city’s approach has exacerbated homelessness, addiction, and crime, creating a public safety crisis that continues to spiral out of control.

An Explosion of Homelessness and Drug Addiction

Despite the city’s substantial financial investment, homelessness in San Francisco has skyrocketed. From 2016 to 2021, spending on homelessness surged by over 500%, reaching $1.1 billion in 2021 alone. Yet, the homeless population grew by 64% during this same period​ (Hoover Institution)​​ (The San Francisco Standard)​. This alarming rise highlights the ineffectiveness of the city’s strategies, which echo Marxist ideals of extensive social support without accountability or practical results.

The progressive justice system’s approach to drug addiction, focusing on harm reduction rather than recovery, has led to disastrous outcomes. San Francisco now has one of the highest drug overdose rates in the country, with 80 deaths per 100,000 residents. In 2021, the city saw 806 overdose deaths, a 24.5% increase from the previous year​ (The San Francisco Standard)​. Providing clean needles and safe injection sites has not addressed the root causes of addiction but has instead facilitated ongoing substance abuse and public health crises.

Skyrocketing Crime and Public Safety Concerns

San Francisco’s policies of decriminalization and leniency for nonviolent offenses, deeply influenced by Marxist views on systemic oppression, have led to soaring crime rates. Proposition 47, which reclassified certain nonviolent crimes from felonies to misdemeanors, has resulted in increased repeat offenses and a pervasive sense of lawlessness​ (The San Francisco Standard)​.

The rise in property crimes, such as shoplifting and car break-ins, has left residents feeling unsafe and disillusioned with the city’s governance. This aligns with Marxist critiques of the existing legal framework but demonstrates that the progressive approach has failed to implement effective alternatives to ensure community safety while addressing systemic issues.

Financial Mismanagement and Ideological Failures

The “homeless-industrial complex” in San Francisco is a glaring example of financial mismanagement reminiscent of failed Marxist economic policies. Billions of dollars are funneled into nonprofits and government agencies without producing significant results. Instead of alleviating homelessness and addiction, the funding perpetuates these crises, with resources often being misallocated or poorly managed​ (The San Francisco Standard)​.

This mismanagement mirrors Marxist critiques of capitalism, where resources are viewed as being controlled by a few, leading to inefficiency and inequality. However, in San Francisco, the shift towards a collectivist approach has not resolved these problems but has instead created a new form of inefficiency and misallocation of funds.


The Ideological Underpinnings

The failures of San Francisco’s progressive justice system are deeply rooted in its ideological foundations, which bear striking similarities to Marxism:

  1. Systemic Blame: Progressive policies often attribute homelessness and addiction to systemic failures, such as economic inequality and lack of social support, rather than individual circumstances and choices.
  2. Redistribution of Resources: Significant financial resources are allocated to addressing homelessness and addiction, much like Marxist ideals of redistributing wealth to achieve equality.
  3. Collectivist Solutions: The focus on harm reduction and decriminalization represents a collectivist approach, aiming to support the community as a whole but failing to address individual needs effectively.

San Francisco’s progressive justice system, with its roots in Marxist ideology, has failed spectacularly. The city’s experience demonstrates that while systemic reform is essential, it must be coupled with practical, individualized solutions. The focus on systemic blame, extensive resource redistribution, and collectivist solutions has led to a worsening of homelessness, addiction, and crime. To create a safer, more equitable society, policymakers must balance the need for systemic change with effective, targeted interventions that address the root causes of these complex social issues.

The progressive justice system in San Francisco, an experiment in Marxist principles, has proven to be a catastrophic failure, highlighting the need for a comprehensive reassessment and a move towards more practical, effective solutions.

The Progressive Justice System in San Francisco: A Case Study in Failure

In recent years, San Francisco has been at the forefront of implementing progressive justice reforms aimed at reducing incarceration rates, addressing systemic inequalities, and promoting social justice. However, the outcomes of these policies have sparked significant debate, with mounting evidence suggesting that the progressive justice system in San Francisco has failed to achieve its intended goals. Instead, these policies have exacerbated homelessness, addiction, and crime rates, creating a public safety crisis that continues to worsen.

Progressive Justice System

Rising Homelessness and Addiction

San Francisco has seen a dramatic increase in homelessness despite substantial financial investments aimed at tackling the issue. From 2016 to 2021, the city’s spending on homelessness increased by over 500%, reaching $1.1 billion in 2021 alone. Despite this, the homeless population grew by 64% during the same period​ (Hoover Institution)​​ (The San Francisco Standard)​. This paradoxical outcome raises questions about the effectiveness of the city’s strategies.

A significant portion of the homeless population in San Francisco is comprised of individuals struggling with addiction. The city’s approach to drug addiction, heavily influenced by progressive policies, focuses on harm reduction rather than recovery. While harm reduction efforts, such as providing clean needles and safe injection sites, aim to minimize the immediate risks associated with drug use, they do little to address the root causes of addiction or promote long-term recovery. Critics argue that this approach effectively maintains the status quo, allowing addicts to continue their destructive behavior without meaningful intervention​ (The San Francisco Standard)​.

Escalating Crime and Public Safety Concerns

The progressive justice system’s emphasis on decriminalization and leniency for nonviolent offenses has also contributed to rising crime rates. Proposition 47, passed in 2014, reclassified certain nonviolent offenses from felonies to misdemeanors, leading to a significant reduction in penalties for crimes such as shoplifting and drug possession. While the intention was to reduce incarceration rates and alleviate overcrowded prisons, the unintended consequence has been an increase in repeat offenses and a sense of impunity among offenders​ (The San Francisco Standard)​.

San Francisco has one of the highest rates of drug overdose deaths in the country, with 80 deaths per 100,000 residents in 2021. Despite having the largest per-capita budget for harm reduction in the nation, overdose deaths continue to rise, highlighting the ineffectiveness of current policies. In 2021, the city recorded 806 overdose deaths, a 24.5% increase from the previous year​ (The San Francisco Standard)​.

Financial Mismanagement and Lack of Accountability

The “homeless-industrial complex,” a term used to describe the network of nonprofits and government agencies involved in managing homelessness, has come under scrutiny for its inefficiency and lack of accountability. Critics argue that billions of dollars are being funneled into this complex without producing tangible results. Instead of reducing homelessness and addiction, the funding seems to perpetuate these issues, with resources often being misallocated or poorly managed​ (The San Francisco Standard)​.

Policy Recommendations and the Path Forward

To address the failures of the progressive justice system, a shift in policy is needed. Here are some recommendations:

  1. Emphasize Recovery: Instead of solely focusing on harm reduction, policies should prioritize long-term recovery and rehabilitation. This includes increasing access to treatment programs, recovery-based housing, and job training centers.
  2. Strengthen Law Enforcement: Reassessing leniency measures and ensuring that laws are enforced can help reduce crime rates and address public safety concerns.
  3. Improve Oversight and Accountability: Establishing transparent oversight mechanisms for the allocation and use of funds can help ensure that resources are effectively used to tackle homelessness and addiction.
  4. Community-Based Solutions: Involving local communities in the development and implementation of policies can lead to more tailored and effective solutions.

The progressive justice system in San Francisco, while well-intentioned, has failed to deliver on its promises. Rising homelessness, addiction, and crime rates, coupled with financial mismanagement and a lack of accountability, highlight the need for a reassessment of current policies. By shifting the focus to recovery, strengthening law enforcement, and improving oversight, San Francisco can begin to address the root causes of these issues and create a safer, more equitable city for all residents.

Mayor London Breed’s Dangerous Move: Civilianizing Law Enforcement and Undermining Public Safety

Mayor London Breed’s recent push to expand the use of civilian ambassadors in place of traditional law enforcement officers has sparked significant concern among public safety advocates. By hiring Transit Ambassadors instead of increasing the number of law enforcement Fare Inspectors, Breed is advancing a strategy that many argue undermines effective law enforcement and jeopardizes public safety in San Francisco.

The Rise of Civilian Ambassadors

The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) recently announced job openings for Transit Ambassadors. These roles are designed to provide customer service and promote safety on public transit, aligning with Mayor Breed’s broader initiative to replace traditional law enforcement officers with civilian roles across various sectors of the city.

Ambassadors vs. Fare Inspectors: A Critical Difference

The new Transit Ambassador positions are fundamentally different from the existing role of Transit Fare Inspectors. Fare Inspectors, who hold limited peace officer powers under California Penal Code 832, have the authority to issue citations to fare evaders—a crucial function given that fare evasion has surged to over 20% of riders. This increase in fare evasion is a serious problem that significantly impacts the SFMTA’s budget, reducing the income necessary for maintaining and improving transit services.

The Dangers of Civilianization

Mayor Breed’s expansion of the civilian ambassador program presents several critical issues:

  • Lack of Enforcement Power: Transit Ambassadors do not have the authority to issue citations or make arrests. Their role is limited to providing information and promoting compliance through education. This lack of enforcement power could undermine efforts to curb fare evasion, which is already a growing problem that threatens the SFMTA’s financial stability.
  • Public Safety Risks: The shift towards civilianization in law enforcement roles raises serious questions about public safety. Fare Inspectors are trained to handle confrontations and enforce laws, whereas Ambassadors are primarily focused on customer service. The presence of Fare Inspectors can deter potential fare evaders and ensure a safer transit environment.
  • Erosion of Law Enforcement Effectiveness: By replacing trained law enforcement officers with civilian roles, the city risks diluting the effectiveness of law enforcement efforts. Fare Inspectors not only enforce fare compliance but also play a crucial role in maintaining order and safety on public transit. Their absence could lead to increased disorder and crime.

The Broader Impact on Law Enforcement

Mayor Breed’s approach to civilianization extends beyond the transit system. This strategy reflects a broader trend in San Francisco’s law enforcement policy, where civilian roles are being prioritized over traditional law enforcement positions. This shift raises concerns about the long-term implications for public safety and the ability of law enforcement agencies to effectively perform their duties.

Tough Talk on Crime, but Do Actions Match?

Mayor Breed frequently talks tough on crime, asserting that criminals will be held accountable. However, her actions paint a different picture:

  • Inaction on Sheriff’s Office Recruitment: Despite the critical need for more deputies, Mayor Breed has not taken significant steps to increase recruitment for the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office. There have been no substantial efforts to enhance the wages and bonuses for sheriff’s deputies, unlike the measures taken for the police department.
  • Civilianization Over Law Enforcement: Instead of bolstering the ranks of trained law enforcement officers, Breed has focused on expanding civilian roles. This approach aligns more closely with the policies of former District Attorneys Chesa Boudin and George Gascon, who advocated for reducing traditional law enforcement in favor of civilian oversight and intervention—a stance often criticized as part of a socialist agenda.

A Call for Pro-Law Enforcement Policies

It is crucial for city leadership to prioritize effective law enforcement and public safety over the expansion of civilian roles. While the role of Transit Ambassadors can enhance customer service and community engagement, it should not come at the expense of enforcing laws and maintaining public safety. Expanding the number of Fare Inspectors, who possess the authority and training to handle fare evasion and other violations, would provide a more balanced and effective approach to managing the city’s transit system and overall public safety.

Mayor London Breed’s push for civilianization through the expansion of the Transit Ambassador program represents a significant shift in San Francisco’s approach to law enforcement. This strategy raises serious concerns about the effectiveness of fare enforcement and the broader implications for public safety. The decision to prioritize Ambassadors over Fare Inspectors could ultimately compromise the safety and security of all residents. It is essential to recognize the value of traditional law enforcement roles in maintaining order and ensuring public safety. Investing in trained law enforcement officers, rather than expanding civilian roles, is crucial for the well-being and security of San Francisco’s communities.

Mayor Breed’s tough talk on crime must be matched by actions that support and enhance law enforcement capabilities. Anything less risks aligning her more with the controversial policies of Chesa Boudin than with a genuine commitment to public safety.

The Illusion of Public Safety: How Mayor Breed and Sheriff Miyamoto’s Agenda is Failing San Francisco

In San Francisco, the criminal justice system is under increasing scrutiny as public safety becomes a growing concern. Despite the public assurances from Mayor London Breed and Sheriff Paul Miyamoto, their actions tell a different story. While they claim to prioritize public safety, their agenda of civilianizing law enforcement is undermining the very foundations of security and accountability, putting the community at greater risk.


The Reality Behind Electronic Monitoring

One of the most glaring examples of this discrepancy is the city’s electronic monitoring system. At first glance, electronic ankle monitors give the impression of strict supervision for individuals under house arrest. However, the reality is far from this illusion.

  • Overburdened Deputies: Astonishingly, one or two deputy sheriffs are tasked with monitoring around 500 individuals on electronic ankle monitoring. This unmanageable caseload renders the supervision ineffective, allowing many to exploit their freedom and engage in criminal activities without real consequences.
  • False Accountability: The inadequate monitoring system creates a facade of accountability. In reality, those on electronic monitoring face little to no genuine oversight, leading to a system that fails to prevent recidivism or protect public safety.

Unseen and Unaddressed Warrants

The illusion of accountability extends to the handling of outstanding warrants. The Warrants Service Unit, responsible for locating and apprehending individuals with outstanding warrants, is critically understaffed.

  • Insufficient Personnel: With only five deputies in the unit, the resources are grossly inadequate to manage the increasing number of outstanding warrants. This understaffing results in a significant backlog, further eroding the effectiveness of the criminal justice system.
  • Delayed Justice: The lack of timely action on outstanding warrants means that many offenders remain at large, undermining the system’s credibility and the public’s trust.

A Growing Crisis: Overcrowded Jails and Understaffed Programs

When this issue was first brought to light, approximately 1,600 individuals were participating in alternatives to incarceration programs. Today, the situation has worsened, with the jail population rising from the 1,100s to 1,270, and 1,803 participants now in Community Programs. This trend highlights the severe understaffing and inadequate infrastructure of San Francisco’s jails.

  • San Bruno Annex: The San Bruno Annex is not at full capacity due to needed upgrades. Even if it were fully functional, the lack of deputized staff means it cannot operate effectively.
  • Shift to Community Programs: Due to the lack of space and staff in jails, the SFSO is increasingly relying on Community Programs. However, this shift is not a solution but a symptom of deeper systemic issues. Without sufficient deputies to supervise these programs, they become ineffective, creating a cycle of insufficient oversight and increased criminal activity.

The Breed-Miyamoto Agenda: Civilianizing Law Enforcement

Mayor Breed and Sheriff Miyamoto have consistently promoted a vision of public safety. Yet, their actions contradict their statements. Instead of investing in the recruitment and hiring of deputies, they are pushing for the civilianization of law enforcement. This approach is fundamentally flawed and dangerous for several reasons:

  • Lack of Real Supervision: Civilianizing law enforcement reduces the number of trained deputies available for critical supervision and enforcement roles. This diminishes the system’s ability to monitor and manage offenders effectively.
  • Increased Public Risk: The reliance on civilian programs without adequate oversight emboldens offenders, leading to higher recidivism rates and attracting criminals from outside areas. The lack of genuine consequences for criminal behavior creates a public safety hazard.

London Breed Civilianization of Police

San Francisco: The Worst-Run City in the U.S.

Adding to the city’s woes, a recent report by the SF Examiner highlights that San Francisco is now ranked as the worst-run city among the 149 biggest in the U.S., according to WalletHub’s analysis of operating efficiencies. The ranking, based on a “quality of services” score divided by each city’s per-capita budget, assessed financial stability, health, safety, economy, and infrastructure/pollution. The categories included 36 metrics, such as high school graduation rates, public hospital system quality, and crime rates. This damning report underscores the systemic failures in San Francisco’s management and further illustrates the consequences of inadequate leadership and resource allocation.

The Mirage of Public Safety

The consequences of this flawed approach are severe. The erosion of public trust, escalating crime rates, and the overall inefficacy of the criminal justice system are clear indicators that the current strategy is failing. The public is becoming increasingly aware that the promises of Mayor Breed and Sheriff Miyamoto are nothing more than a “fugazzi” – an illusion of safety without substance.

A Call for Real Change

San Francisco’s criminal justice system is at a critical juncture. The current path of civilianizing law enforcement, supported by Mayor Breed and Sheriff Miyamoto, is jeopardizing public safety and undermining the integrity of the system. It is imperative to prioritize the recruitment and hiring of deputized staff, ensure adequate resources and funding, and restore effective monitoring and enforcement mechanisms.

Without these changes, the illusion of consequences will continue to erode public trust and compromise the safety of the community. It is time for genuine action that aligns with the promises made to the people of San Francisco, ensuring a criminal justice system that truly protects and serves its citizens.

Mayor Breed and Sheriff Miyamoto: Far-Left Policies Masquerading as Moderate Leadership

In San Francisco, the narrative often paints Mayor London Breed and Sheriff Paul Miyamoto as Democrat moderates, advocating for balanced and pragmatic solutions to the city’s challenges. However, a closer examination of their policies reveals a starkly different reality. Their approach, especially concerning public safety and law enforcement, aligns more closely with far-left ideologies, significantly impacting the effectiveness of our criminal justice system.


The Reality Behind the Budget

On May 30, 2024, Mayor Breed released her new budget, touting an expansion of public safety. However, the details tell a different story. The budget emphasizes civilianization and alternatives to traditional law enforcement, stating, “Continue Safety Ambassadors and Civilianization to provide non-law enforcement response.” This includes funding for Police Service Aides, citywide Public Safety Community Ambassadors, and retired Police Officer ambassadors. Additionally, it continues to fund the City’s Street Response Teams, which provide non-law enforcement responses to calls for people in behavioral health crises and those experiencing homelessness.

This approach aligns with far-left ideologies that prioritize reducing the role of trained law enforcement in favor of civilian alternatives. While community involvement and mental health support are crucial, the outright replacement of law enforcement officers with civilian roles undermines public safety and fails to address the complex realities faced by deputies and police officers.

The Impact on Public Safety

The ongoing staffing crisis in the Sheriff’s Department has led to unsafe conditions in our jails, increased violence, and overworked deputies. Instead of addressing these urgent needs, Mayor Breed’s budget expands civilian roles that cannot substitute the critical functions performed by trained law enforcement professionals. This far-left stance prioritizes ideological goals over practical solutions, putting both deputies and the public at risk.

Sheriff Miyamoto’s Complicity

Sheriff Paul Miyamoto’s silence on these issues further underscores the alignment with far-left ideologies. By not aggressively advocating for more trained deputies and failing to address the staffing crisis, the Sheriff is complicit in perpetuating policies that weaken our criminal justice system. His lack of response reflects an acceptance of the civilianization strategy, ignoring the pressing needs for robust law enforcement presence and support.

Adding to the problem is Sheriff Miyamoto’s political endorsements. He has politically endorsed Mayor London Breed for her upcoming elections, further aligning himself with policies that undermine public safety. In the March 2024 election, he endorsed judges known for excessively releasing inmates, fueling the revolving door of the criminal justice system. Recently, in a budget meeting, Sheriff Miyamoto stated his goal is to keep people out of jail because it’s harder for his staff when more people are incarcerated. This perspective not only fails to address the root issues but also compromises the safety of our community.

The Broader Implications

Labeling Mayor Breed and Sheriff Miyamoto as moderates masks the true nature of their policies. Their actions and budget priorities reveal a commitment to far-left ideologies that compromise public safety and effective law enforcement. San Francisco deserves leaders who recognize the importance of a balanced approach, incorporating community support while maintaining a strong, well-trained law enforcement presence.

It’s time for San Franciscans to recognize the true ideological stance of our city leaders. Mayor Breed and Sheriff Miyamoto’s far-left policies are not the moderate solutions they claim to champion. The well-being of our community and the effectiveness of our criminal justice system depend on acknowledging this reality and demanding real, balanced solutions that prioritize public safety and support for our law enforcement officers.

By holding our leaders accountable and challenging the far-left ideologies that drive their policies, we can work towards a safer, more effective San Francisco that truly serves the needs of all its residents.