Why Should You Consider Installing a Catalytic Converter Protective Cage in San Francisco?

Catalytic converter theft has been on the rise in San Francisco in recent years, and it can be a costly and frustrating experience for vehicle owners. Thieves target these auto parts because they contain precious metals, like platinum and rhodium, that can be sold for a high price. While there are several steps you can take to prevent catalytic converter theft, placing a protective cage over the converter is an additional measure that can be highly effective.

  1. What is a Catalytic Converter Protective Cage?

A catalytic converter protective cage is a metal enclosure that fits around your vehicle’s catalytic converter. The cage is designed to make it more difficult for thieves to remove the converter, as it would require them to cut through the cage before accessing the converter. Many protective cages are made of heavy-duty steel, making them highly durable and able to withstand harsh weather conditions.

  1. How Does a Catalytic Converter Protective Cage Work?

The protective cage is designed to prevent thieves from removing the catalytic converter by making it much more challenging to access. Thieves typically use a saw or reciprocating saw to cut the converter from the vehicle, but the cage makes it difficult for them to access it in the first place. The metal bars and enclosure around the converter create a physical barrier, which can deter thieves and force them to look for an easier target.

  1. Why Should You Consider Installing a Catalytic Converter Protective Cage?

A catalytic converter protective cage is a highly effective way to prevent catalytic converter theft. It provides an additional layer of security and can make your vehicle less attractive to thieves. Additionally, a protective cage is a one-time investment that can save you a lot of money in the long run. If your catalytic converter is stolen, it can cost you thousands of dollars to replace it and repair any damage caused by the theft.

  1. Other Steps to Prevent Catalytic Converter Theft

While a protective cage is an effective way to prevent catalytic converter theft, there are other steps you can take to reduce your risk. One of the most effective methods is to park your vehicle in a secure, well-lit area with a lot of foot traffic. Thieves are less likely to target a vehicle parked in an area where they could be easily spotted. You can also use a catalytic converter lock or engrave your license plate number on the converter, which can make it easier to identify stolen parts.

  1. Conclusion

Catalytic converter theft is a growing problem in San Francisco, but there are steps you can take to protect your vehicle. By installing a catalytic converter protective cage and taking other preventative measures, you can reduce your risk of becoming a victim of this crime. A protective cage is a highly effective way to prevent theft, as it creates a physical barrier that can deter thieves and make it more difficult for them to access the converter. By taking these steps, you can help protect your valuable vehicle and save yourself from the headache of dealing with the aftermath of a theft.

SFPOA’s “SFO Training” Debunked

The San Francisco Police Officers Association (SFPOA) has recently raised concerns on Twitter about advanced officer training requirements for San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs to work at the city’s airport, SFO. However, upon closer examination, it is clear that the training in question is not as difficult or time-consuming as the SFPOA suggests.

SFO Airport Police

The “training” referred to by the San Francisco Police Officer Association is the California POST Aviation Security Training, a one-week, 40-hour course available to all law enforcement officers, not just the SFPD. The course covers the history of aviation security, introduction to the airport environment, criminal threat to the aviation industry, agencies and jurisdictions involved in airport security (such as the TSA, FBI, CBP, and USSS), legal aspects of aviation security, and the responsibilities of law enforcement officers working in an airport setting.

This training is not particularly difficult, and can easily be completed by San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs to meet the requirement to work at SFO. By allowing the SFPD to shift some of the police officers currently working at the airport back to the city, it will alleviate the staffing pressures on the SFPD and allow for a more efficient use of resources.

One solution is to grandfather in any SFPD officers close to retirement at the airport, and then work with the Sheriff to create a phased staffing plan that would allow for a percentage of police officers at the airport to return to SF to patrol in the City. This phased approach would ensure a smooth transition and allow for adequate staffing at the airport while also relieving pressure on the SFPD.

In conclusion, the minimum training requirements for San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs to work at SFO are not as difficult or time-consuming as the SFPOA suggests. By allowing the SFPD to shift some of its officers back to the city, it will alleviate staffing pressures and allow for a more efficient use of resources. The SFDSA will work with the Sheriff to create a functional staffing plan and assist with recruiting to ensure a smooth transition.

San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs are Highly Trained Individuals

San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs are highly trained individuals who play a crucial role in maintaining law and order within the city. As 830.1 Peace officers, they have the same level of training and qualifications as a SFPD Police Officer.

The training process for a recruit deputy begins with a 6.5-month Post Certified Academy, which is currently held at the South Bay Regional Academy in San Mateo or Santa Rosa Junior College. Once the recruit graduates from the POST Academy, they must pass a four-week Board of State & Community Corrections Certified Jail Corrections Course.

SF Deputies

The San Francisco Sheriff’s Office places a strong emphasis on ongoing training for their sworn staff. In addition to the 24 Hrs. of Certified POST training that must be completed biennially, all SFSO sworn staff attend an additional 24 Hrs. of certified Board of State and Community Corrections BSCC training annually. This means that San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs receive more mandated training than a police agency.

In addition to standard training, the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office has trained their sworn staff on a 16 Hr. mandatory Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) which emphasizes de-escalation and situational awareness when dealing with individuals with mental disorders, developmental disabilities, and altered mental status. This training was conducted FY 2019-2020 and was again offered FY 2021-2022. Deputies also receive 4 Hrs. of Force Option Simulator Training which emphasizes situational awareness, de-escalation, and Use of Force decision making. All sworn personnel attended in FY 2019-2020 and recently attended 4 hrs. during the recent 2021-2022 cycle.

The San Francisco Sheriff’s Office also has a POST certified Field Training Program (Like the SFPD) and was one of the first agencies to develop their manual to meet the new POST requirements.

In terms of investigations, the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office has their own Criminal Investigations Unit staffed with trained investigators who receive the same POST Training as SFPD Investigators. All investigators have attended the 76 Hr. Robert Presley Institute of Criminal Investigation Training and 40 Hr. Behavioral Awareness Training Institute. They are trained and equipped to investigate all crimes that fall under the Sheriff’s Office jurisdiction, including non-custody felony crimes in the field.

The San Francisco Sheriff’s Office also has an Emergency Services Unit (ESU) with 150 Sheriff’s Deputies assigned to it. All ESU staff are chosen after passing a written and physical exam and receive a 40-hour course that covers advanced firearms training, crowd control, building search, active shooter training, and medical rescue. ESU members receive an additional 40 Hrs. of training minimum.

San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs are highly trained individuals

The Special Response Team (SRT) is a highly trained unit within the ESU. To qualify, members must first be part of the ESU and pass a physical challenge, firearms proficiency exam, simulation exercise, written exam, and oral interview panel. Chosen members are then required to attend an 80 Hour SWAT school and receive additional monthly training.

Finally, the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office has a K-9 Unit, where a K-9 Team must attend a 40 hour dog handler course. A K-9 handler must partake in 16 Hrs. of monthly training minimum to meet POST standards to maintain basic patrol and/or detection proficiency.

In conclusion, San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs are well-trained and highly qualified individuals who play a vital role in maintaining law and order within the city. They undergo rigorous training and ongoing education to ensure they are equipped to handle any situation that arises.


Dear Chief Scott,

I am writing to express my concern about the current state of the San Francisco Police Department and to offer a potential solution to improve efficiency and increase police staffing.

As you are aware, the police department is facing mass retirements and is currently understaffed. This is a major issue, as it leaves our city vulnerable to increased crime and puts an undue burden on the remaining officers who are trying to do their best to serve and protect the community.

In order to address this issue, I believe it would be beneficial to reduce the size of the police department and turn over some functions, such as the SFO, to the San Francisco Sheriff. By reassessing the roles and responsibilities of the department, we can redirect resources towards increasing the number of police officers in San Francisco, particularly in high-need areas like the Tenderloin district.

I understand that such a change would require careful consideration and planning, but I believe it is a common sense solution that would ultimately improve public safety for San Franciscans. By streamlining the department and focusing on core functions, we can ensure that your SFPD officers are able to do their jobs more effectively and efficiently.

I also believe that turning over auxiliary functions, such as the SFO, marine unit, and port patrols, to the Sheriff’s Department makes sense. The Sheriff’s Department is equipped to handle these types of tasks, and it would free up additional resources for the SFPD to focus on crime reduction and public safety in the city.

Given the current state of public safety in San Francisco, we have concerns for the well-being of our union members who reside in the city.  I hope that you will seriously consider this proposal and take any necessary steps to make it a reality. As the leader of the SFPD, it is your responsibility to ensure that the department is functioning at its best and that our city is as safe as possible. I believe that implementing these changes would be a step in the right direction towards achieving that goal.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Ken Lomba
SFDSA President

Yes on Prop 20 – Keep California Safe


San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association endorses a Yes Vote on Prop 20. Proposition 20 fixes four specific flaws contained in recent criminal justice reforms — addressing violent crime classification and serial theft, as well as parole reform and DNA collection.

San Francisco’s Crime Rate is going up as it relates to thefts and some violent crimes. The SFPD Crime Dashboard shows that Homicide is up 41%, Burglaries are up 43%, Motor Vehicle Theft is up 29%, and Arson is up 45%.

The President of the San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association Ken Lomba stated, “They put together a thoughtful and meaningful amendment with Prop 20 to fix these loopholes because at the end of the day we want public safety. We don’t want lawlessness, we don’t want crime free for all’s and we are seeing that on the tv almost daily now.” Prop 20 fixes the loopholes in the past changes in the law.

You can read more about Prop 20 at Keep California Safe.

Please vote by November 3rd for the San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association Endorsed Candidates and Propositions!

The San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association is the labor union representing deputy sheriffs and senior deputy sheriffs in the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department.

“Paid for by the San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association PAC.  Not authorized by a candidate or committee controlled by a candidate.  Financial disclosures are available at sfethics.org.”

SF Car Break In’s Gone Wild

More and more car break in’s, now electric car batteries are being stolen! Is everything free in SF for criminals, meanwhile the law abiding person has to pay fines, tickets and deductibles!

Thieves in San Francisco are reportedly targeting Toyota Prius hybrids–and stealing their battery packs and catalytic converters. These items are worth big money when they sell there loot. These stolen Prius parts are sold to mechanics, recyclers’ and sold via online classifieds.

Toyota Prius Burglarized

San Francisco is the most lenient on crime in the Bay Area, if not the state. The lack of consequences for crime in SF makes the criminals even more brazen and you end up footing the bill. Whether its replacing stolen items, fixing your car or paying the insurance deductible. You are not only the victim of the criminal, you are victim of San Francisco’s broken criminal justice system.

In the Wild Wild SF owners of vehicles just about beg criminals not to break into there cars. Should it really be this way?

Or should the people of San Francisco stand up and make a difference with there power of the vote. We need to vote for someone that will stop the car break ins. Someone that will hold repeat criminal offenders and organized crime accountable.

It’s time for someone that will fix our broken criminal justice system. It’s time for someone new, it’s time for a prosecutor who is the real deal. It’s time for Leif Dautch for District Attorney.

“Paid for by the San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association PAC.  Not authorized by a candidate or committee controlled by a candidate.  Financial disclosures are available at sfethics.org.”