San Francisco’s Escalating Crime Rates Linked to Misguided Jail Population Control



London BreedThe alarming increase in crime rates throughout San Francisco can be directly attributed to Mayor London Breed’s misguided ideology of manipulating the jail population, resulting in a concerning number of bed vacancies. Recent revelations shed light on the concerning consequences of this flawed approach and the urgent need for change.
Despite the prevalence of crime in the city, San Francisco’s jails continue to exhibit a puzzling pattern of bed vacancies. On average, the jail population is being manipulated to maintain an artificially low average of 800 inmates per day, while a staggering 400 beds remain vacant. This raises serious questions about the city’s commitment to holding criminals accountable and ensuring public safety.
In light of the escalating crime rates, it is only reasonable to expect that the jails would be at full capacity. However, the deliberate manipulation of the jail population by Mayor London Breed’s administration demonstrates a disregard for the safety and well-being of San Francisco’s residents. The empty beds stand as a stark reminder of the failure to enforce consequences for criminal behavior.
San Francisco is facing a crisis that demands decisive action. The prioritization of reducing incarceration has resulted in a system that fails to provide adequate deterrence for criminals. This flawed approach not only undermines public safety but also sends a message that criminal activity will go unpunished.
The safety and security of the community should never be compromised in the pursuit of misguided ideologies. Mayor London Breed and city officials must recognize the urgent need for change and reassess their strategies. It is imperative to prioritize the protection of law-abiding citizens, restore accountability in the criminal justice system, and ensure that the jails serve their intended purpose of detaining those who pose a threat to society.
San Francisco deserves leadership that upholds the principles of justice, prioritizes public safety, and addresses the concerns of the community. It is time for Mayor London Breed and her administration to take immediate action to rectify the shortcomings in the management of the jail population and restore confidence in the city’s commitment to combating crime.

Media Contact:

Ken Lomba
San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association

Safeguarding Officer Safety and Crime Prevention: Assessing the Implications of Assembly Bill AB93

Assemblymember Isaac BryanAssembly Bill AB93, introduced by Assemblymember Isaac Bryan, has ignited concerns among law enforcement professionals due to its potential to heighten safety risks and contribute to increased crime rates. This blog post aims to shed light on these pressing issues, emphasizing the profound ramifications of AB93, which could jeopardize officer safety and impede effective crime prevention efforts.

  1. Exacerbating Safety Risks: AB93, if enacted, could significantly amplify safety risks faced by law enforcement personnel. By imposing the requirement of a signed form prior to conducting searches, the bill introduces time-consuming administrative tasks that divert officers’ attention from immediate threats. This heightened safety risk could create hazardous situations where officers are vulnerable to physical attacks, the retrieval of weapons, or the destruction of critical evidence.
  2. Escalating Crime Rates: One of the primary concerns surrounding AB93 pertains to its potential impact on crime rates. The mandated delays resulting from the form requirement may enable individuals involved in criminal activities to evade detection, remove evidence, or continue engaging in unlawful behavior. This could result in a surge in crime rates and pose a direct threat to the safety and well-being of communities.
  3. Undermining Law Enforcement Effectiveness: The proposed provisions in AB93 have the potential to undermine the overall effectiveness of law enforcement efforts. The increased administrative burden imposed by the bill may redirect valuable resources and impede proactive crime prevention strategies. This, in turn, could compromise officers’ ability to respond swiftly and proactively to emerging criminal trends, thereby weakening their capacity to maintain public safety.
  4. Balancing Accountability and Public Safety: While ensuring accountability within law enforcement is crucial, it is imperative to strike a balance that prioritizes public safety. AB93’s provisions must be critically evaluated to prevent unintended consequences that hinder law enforcement’s ability to protect communities and deter criminal activities. A comprehensive approach is vital, considering the potential impact on crime rates and the intensified safety risks posed to officers.

Assembly Bill AB93, introduced by Assemblymember Isaac Bryan, poses significant implications by heightening safety risks for law enforcement officers and potentially escalating crime rates. The requirement of a signed form before conducting searches may jeopardize officer safety and impede effective crime prevention efforts. Striking a balance between accountability and public safety is paramount to safeguarding communities and ensuring the optimal functioning of law enforcement agencies. It is essential to carefully analyze the potential consequences of AB93 and seek comprehensive solutions that prioritize officer safety and effective crime prevention strategies.


Support Pro Public Safety Candidates and Ballot Measures in San Francisco

San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs' Association PAC Pro Public SafetyThe San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association PAC plays a vital role in promoting the interests of public safety and law enforcement within our city. Our mission is to advocate for pro public safety candidates and ballot measures that will enhance the safety and security of our neighborhoods, protect our communities, and provide our brave deputy sheriffs with the resources they need to serve and protect.

Your generous contribution will make a significant impact on our ability to endorse and support candidates who share our vision of a safer San Francisco. By supporting these pro public safety individuals, we can ensure that our city’s law enforcement agencies have the necessary support, tools, and policies to effectively combat crime, respond to emergencies, and maintain peace and order.

Furthermore, your donation will allow us to back critical ballot measures that address key public safety issues, such as improving community policing efforts, investing in modern law enforcement technologies, and strengthening crime prevention programs. Together, we can shape the future of public safety in San Francisco and create a safer environment for all residents.

As a valued supporter, you have the opportunity to influence the direction of our city’s public safety policies and the well-being of our law enforcement officers. Your contribution to the San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association PAC will directly impact the success of our endorsed candidates and initiatives, fostering positive change within our community.

We invite you to join us in our mission to enhance public safety in San Francisco. Your generous donation of $25 will help us amplify our collective voice and bring about the necessary changes to protect our neighborhoods, families, and businesses.

To make a donation, please visit our secure online donation portal at Alternatively, you can mail your contribution or contact us directly at 415-696-2428 to discuss other giving options or answer any questions you may have.

Together, we can build a safer San Francisco for generations to come. We sincerely appreciate your consideration and support. Join us in our commitment to public safety and make a difference today.

Thank you for your unwavering support.


Ken Lomba
SFDSA President
San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association PAC
P.O. Box 77590
San Francisco, CA 94107

High Crime in San Francisco and the Benefits of Owning a Protection Dog

San Francisco, like many other cities, faces the challenge of crime in certain neighborhoods. In such areas, residents often seek ways to enhance their security measures and protect their homes and families. One effective option is owning a protection dog, which can serve as a deterrent to intruders and provide a sense of safety. In this article, we will explore the high crime rate in San Francisco and discuss the benefits of owning a protection dog. Additionally, we will highlight some of the best breeds of dogs that are commonly used as protection dogs.

Protection Dogs

High Crime in San Francisco: San Francisco has faced challenges with crime, particularly property crime, in certain neighborhoods. According to recent data from the San Francisco Police Department, there has been an increase in crimes such as burglary, theft, and auto theft in some areas of the city. These incidents can cause residents to feel vulnerable and anxious about the safety of their homes and families.

Benefits of Owning a Protection Dog: Owning a protection dog can offer several benefits, especially in high-crime areas like San Francisco. Here are some advantages of having a protection dog:

  1. Enhanced Security: A well-trained protection dog can serve as a visible deterrent to potential intruders. The presence of a protection dog can deter criminals from attempting to break into a property, as they are less likely to risk encountering a trained and vigilant dog.
  2. Effective Crime Prevention: Protection dogs are trained to alert their owners to potential threats, such as intruders or suspicious activity. Their keen senses, such as heightened hearing and scent detection, can help prevent crimes from occurring or escalating.
  3. Companionship: In addition to providing security, protection dogs can also be loving and loyal companions. They can offer companionship and emotional support to their owners, which can be particularly comforting in high-crime areas where residents may feel anxious or unsafe.
  4. Peace of Mind: Knowing that you have a trained protection dog can provide peace of mind for homeowners and their families. Protection dogs can provide a sense of security, knowing that they are trained to protect their home and loved ones.

Best Breeds of Dogs for Protection: Not all dog breeds are suitable for protection work, as temperament, size, and behavior traits vary among different breeds. Here are some of the best breeds of dogs commonly used as protection dogs:

  1. German Shepherd: German Shepherds are known for their intelligence, versatility, and loyalty. They are often used as police and military dogs due to their ability to be trained for various tasks, including protection work.
  2. Belgian Malinois: Belgian Malinois are highly energetic and intelligent dogs that excel in protection work. They are known for their speed, agility, and strong work ethic, and are often used in police and military roles.
  3. Doberman Pinscher: Doberman Pinschers are known for their loyalty and protective instincts. They are intelligent and trainable, with a natural ability to guard their home and family.
  4. Rottweiler: Rottweilers are powerful and protective dogs that have a natural instinct to guard their family and territory. They are known for their strength and courage, making them effective protection dogs.
  5. Boxer: Boxers are strong and athletic dogs that can excel in protection work. They are known for their loyalty, intelligence, and protective nature.
  6. Great Dane: While not as common as some of the other breeds on this list, Great Danes can also make excellent protection dogs. Despite their large size, they are known for their gentle and friendly nature, but can also be protective when needed.

Protection DogIt’s important to note that while these breeds are commonly used as protection dogs, not all individual dogs of these breeds may possess the necessary temperament, training, and behavior traits to excel in protection work. Proper training and socialization from a young age are crucial to ensure that a protection dog is well-behaved, obedient, and capable of handling potential threats in a controlled manner.

Conclusion: In high-crime areas like San Francisco, owning a protection dog can provide an added layer of security and peace of mind for homeowners and their families. The presence of a well-trained protection dog can deter intruders, prevent crimes, and offer companionship and emotional support. However, it’s important to carefully consider the responsibilities and requirements of owning a protection dog, including proper training, socialization, and ongoing care.

If you’re interested in owning a protection dog, it’s recommended to work with a reputable breeder or professional dog trainer who specializes in protection dogs. They can help you choose the right breed and individual dog that fits your specific needs and lifestyle, and provide guidance on training and care.

Remember that owning a protection dog is a significant commitment, and it’s important to be prepared for the responsibilities and challenges that come with it. However, for those who are willing to invest the time, effort, and resources into proper training and care, a well-trained protection dog can offer invaluable benefits in enhancing home security and providing peace of mind in high-crime areas.

Open Letter to SFO Director Ivar Satero

Dear Director Ivar Satero,

I am writing to you regarding the staffing of police officers at San Francisco International Airport (SFO). As you may be aware, the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) is currently short-staffed, which means that there are fewer officers available to patrol the city and the airport. This has resulted in a flawed system where SFPD staffing at SFO is dependent on the staffing levels of police officers in the city. This has resulted in a situation where the airport is not receiving the level of police coverage it requires, which can compromise public safety.

It is clear that the current system is not working, and I would like to propose a solution that I believe will be more effective. I suggest that the airport should be patrolled by a combination of SFPD officers and San Francisco Sheriff’s Office deputy sheriffs. This would provide a more stable and reliable source of police coverage at the airport, as it would not be dependent on the staffing levels of the SFPD in the city.

To be specific, I propose that the airport be staffed 50% by SFPD officers and 50% by SFSO deputy sheriffs. This would ensure that the airport receives the necessary level of police coverage at all times, regardless of the staffing levels of the SFPD in the city. This would also enable the SFPD to better allocate their resources and focus on improving public safety in San Francisco.

I understand that this may require some changes in policies and procedures, but I believe that it is a necessary step to ensure public safety at the airport. I urge you to consider this proposal and take the necessary steps to make it a reality.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Ken Lomba
SFDSA President

Why Should You Consider Installing a Catalytic Converter Protective Cage in San Francisco?

Catalytic converter theft has been on the rise in San Francisco in recent years, and it can be a costly and frustrating experience for vehicle owners. Thieves target these auto parts because they contain precious metals, like platinum and rhodium, that can be sold for a high price. While there are several steps you can take to prevent catalytic converter theft, placing a protective cage over the converter is an additional measure that can be highly effective.

  1. What is a Catalytic Converter Protective Cage?

A catalytic converter protective cage is a metal enclosure that fits around your vehicle’s catalytic converter. The cage is designed to make it more difficult for thieves to remove the converter, as it would require them to cut through the cage before accessing the converter. Many protective cages are made of heavy-duty steel, making them highly durable and able to withstand harsh weather conditions.

  1. How Does a Catalytic Converter Protective Cage Work?

The protective cage is designed to prevent thieves from removing the catalytic converter by making it much more challenging to access. Thieves typically use a saw or reciprocating saw to cut the converter from the vehicle, but the cage makes it difficult for them to access it in the first place. The metal bars and enclosure around the converter create a physical barrier, which can deter thieves and force them to look for an easier target.

  1. Why Should You Consider Installing a Catalytic Converter Protective Cage?

A catalytic converter protective cage is a highly effective way to prevent catalytic converter theft. It provides an additional layer of security and can make your vehicle less attractive to thieves. Additionally, a protective cage is a one-time investment that can save you a lot of money in the long run. If your catalytic converter is stolen, it can cost you thousands of dollars to replace it and repair any damage caused by the theft.

  1. Other Steps to Prevent Catalytic Converter Theft

While a protective cage is an effective way to prevent catalytic converter theft, there are other steps you can take to reduce your risk. One of the most effective methods is to park your vehicle in a secure, well-lit area with a lot of foot traffic. Thieves are less likely to target a vehicle parked in an area where they could be easily spotted. You can also use a catalytic converter lock or engrave your license plate number on the converter, which can make it easier to identify stolen parts.

  1. Conclusion

Catalytic converter theft is a growing problem in San Francisco, but there are steps you can take to protect your vehicle. By installing a catalytic converter protective cage and taking other preventative measures, you can reduce your risk of becoming a victim of this crime. A protective cage is a highly effective way to prevent theft, as it creates a physical barrier that can deter thieves and make it more difficult for them to access the converter. By taking these steps, you can help protect your valuable vehicle and save yourself from the headache of dealing with the aftermath of a theft.

SFPOA’s “SFO Training” Debunked

The San Francisco Police Officers Association (SFPOA) has recently raised concerns on Twitter about advanced officer training requirements for San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs to work at the city’s airport, SFO. However, upon closer examination, it is clear that the training in question is not as difficult or time-consuming as the SFPOA suggests.

SFO Airport Police

The “training” referred to by the San Francisco Police Officer Association is the California POST Aviation Security Training, a one-week, 40-hour course available to all law enforcement officers, not just the SFPD. The course covers the history of aviation security, introduction to the airport environment, criminal threat to the aviation industry, agencies and jurisdictions involved in airport security (such as the TSA, FBI, CBP, and USSS), legal aspects of aviation security, and the responsibilities of law enforcement officers working in an airport setting.

This training is not particularly difficult, and can easily be completed by San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs to meet the requirement to work at SFO. By allowing the SFPD to shift some of the police officers currently working at the airport back to the city, it will alleviate the staffing pressures on the SFPD and allow for a more efficient use of resources.

One solution is to grandfather in any SFPD officers close to retirement at the airport, and then work with the Sheriff to create a phased staffing plan that would allow for a percentage of police officers at the airport to return to SF to patrol in the City. This phased approach would ensure a smooth transition and allow for adequate staffing at the airport while also relieving pressure on the SFPD.

In conclusion, the minimum training requirements for San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs to work at SFO are not as difficult or time-consuming as the SFPOA suggests. By allowing the SFPD to shift some of its officers back to the city, it will alleviate staffing pressures and allow for a more efficient use of resources. The SFDSA will work with the Sheriff to create a functional staffing plan and assist with recruiting to ensure a smooth transition.


Dear Chief Scott,

I am writing to express my concern about the current state of the San Francisco Police Department and to offer a potential solution to improve efficiency and increase police staffing.

As you are aware, the police department is facing mass retirements and is currently understaffed. This is a major issue, as it leaves our city vulnerable to increased crime and puts an undue burden on the remaining officers who are trying to do their best to serve and protect the community.

In order to address this issue, I believe it would be beneficial to reduce the size of the police department and turn over some functions, such as the SFO, to the San Francisco Sheriff. By reassessing the roles and responsibilities of the department, we can redirect resources towards increasing the number of police officers in San Francisco, particularly in high-need areas like the Tenderloin district.

I understand that such a change would require careful consideration and planning, but I believe it is a common sense solution that would ultimately improve public safety for San Franciscans. By streamlining the department and focusing on core functions, we can ensure that your SFPD officers are able to do their jobs more effectively and efficiently.

I also believe that turning over auxiliary functions, such as the SFO, marine unit, and port patrols, to the Sheriff’s Department makes sense. The Sheriff’s Department is equipped to handle these types of tasks, and it would free up additional resources for the SFPD to focus on crime reduction and public safety in the city.

Given the current state of public safety in San Francisco, we have concerns for the well-being of our union members who reside in the city.  I hope that you will seriously consider this proposal and take any necessary steps to make it a reality. As the leader of the SFPD, it is your responsibility to ensure that the department is functioning at its best and that our city is as safe as possible. I believe that implementing these changes would be a step in the right direction towards achieving that goal.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Ken Lomba
SFDSA President

Boats to the Rescue on Sept. 11th

Tom Hanks narrates the epic story of the 9/11 boatlift that evacuated half a million people from the stricken piers and seawalls of Lower Manhattan. Produced and directed by Eddie Rosenstein.

Eyepop Productions, Inc. BOATLIFT was executive produced by Stephen Flynn and Sean Burke, and co-directed by Rick Velleu. It premiered on September 8th at the 9/11 Tenth Anniversary Summit:

Remembrance/Renewal/Resilience in Washington. The Summit kicked off a national movement to foster community and national resilience in the face of future crises. See to become a part of the campaign to build a more resilient world. The film was made with the generous support by philanthropist Adrienne Arsht, Chairman Emerita, TotalBank (

Unshaken Courage 9/11 Documentary

Remember every rescuer who died in honor. Remember every American that was taken away from us and remember every family that lives in grief. But most of all, remember that Men NEVER Die Until They Are Forgotten!!!

This is “Unshaken Courage”, an original documentary by Nine Line, in remembrance of those we lost on Sept. 11th, 2001 and those still affected.