San Francisco’s Escalating Crime Rates Linked to Misguided Jail Population Control



London BreedThe alarming increase in crime rates throughout San Francisco can be directly attributed to Mayor London Breed’s misguided ideology of manipulating the jail population, resulting in a concerning number of bed vacancies. Recent revelations shed light on the concerning consequences of this flawed approach and the urgent need for change.
Despite the prevalence of crime in the city, San Francisco’s jails continue to exhibit a puzzling pattern of bed vacancies. On average, the jail population is being manipulated to maintain an artificially low average of 800 inmates per day, while a staggering 400 beds remain vacant. This raises serious questions about the city’s commitment to holding criminals accountable and ensuring public safety.
In light of the escalating crime rates, it is only reasonable to expect that the jails would be at full capacity. However, the deliberate manipulation of the jail population by Mayor London Breed’s administration demonstrates a disregard for the safety and well-being of San Francisco’s residents. The empty beds stand as a stark reminder of the failure to enforce consequences for criminal behavior.
San Francisco is facing a crisis that demands decisive action. The prioritization of reducing incarceration has resulted in a system that fails to provide adequate deterrence for criminals. This flawed approach not only undermines public safety but also sends a message that criminal activity will go unpunished.
The safety and security of the community should never be compromised in the pursuit of misguided ideologies. Mayor London Breed and city officials must recognize the urgent need for change and reassess their strategies. It is imperative to prioritize the protection of law-abiding citizens, restore accountability in the criminal justice system, and ensure that the jails serve their intended purpose of detaining those who pose a threat to society.
San Francisco deserves leadership that upholds the principles of justice, prioritizes public safety, and addresses the concerns of the community. It is time for Mayor London Breed and her administration to take immediate action to rectify the shortcomings in the management of the jail population and restore confidence in the city’s commitment to combating crime.

Media Contact:

Ken Lomba
San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association