San Francisco Sheriff’s Office: Operating on a Debt-Based Budget with Overtime Slavery

In recent years, the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office (SFSO) has been embroiled in a disturbing practice of operating on a debt-based budget, resorting to what can only be described as overtime slavery to balance its fiscal books. This unethical approach, characterized by the forced imposition of excessive overtime on deputy sheriffs, is not only financially irresponsible but also morally reprehensible, taking a severe toll on the health and well-being of those sworn to protect and serve.

One of the key tactics used in this budgetary strategy is budgetary attrition savings, a process whereby the sheriff deliberately hires fewer deputies than what is needed to adequately staff the department. This intentional understaffing creates a limited savings of benefits and training costs, as the shortfall is then filled by forcing existing deputies to work excessive overtime hours.

SFSO Debt Based BudgetDespite clear data indicating the harmful impacts of this practice, the SFSO leadership has persisted in its reliance on forced overtime to cover budgeted attrition and maintain fiscal balance. This shortsighted strategy prioritizes financial expediency over the physical and mental health of deputy sheriffs, creating a toxic work environment and jeopardizing public safety.

Data collected over recent years paints a grim picture. Forced overtime has become a norm, with deputy sheriffs compelled to work extended hours without adequate rest or respite. This relentless schedule not only leads to exhaustion and burnout but also compromises the ability of deputies to perform their duties effectively and safely, endangering both themselves and the community they serve.

The use of forced overtime as a budgetary tool is symptomatic of a larger failure within the SFSO to manage its resources responsibly. Instead of advocating for a budget that reflects realistic staffing levels and limits on overtime, the sheriff has opted for a reckless path that exploits the dedication of deputy sheriffs to balance the books.

The consequences of this debt-based budgeting approach are dire. Deputy sheriffs are experiencing alarming rates of burnout and fatigue, leading to increased absenteeism and turnover. This vicious cycle of overwork and exhaustion not only harms the physical and mental health of deputy sheriffs but also undermines the effectiveness and integrity of the SFSO as a whole.

It is imperative that immediate action be taken to address this crisis. The SFSO must abandon its reliance on overtime slavery and commit to a budgetary approach that prioritizes the well-being of its deputies. Anything less would be a betrayal of the trust placed in the SFSO by the residents of San Francisco and a disservice to those who dedicate their lives to serving and protecting the community.

Demanding Action: San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs Association Calls for Urgent Staffing Solutions

In a bold move to address the critical staffing shortages plaguing the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office (SFSO), the San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association (SFDSA) has issued an open letter to Sheriff, Mayor, and Board Supervisor President. The letter, signed by SFDSA President Ken Lomba, demands immediate action to recruit and hire Deputy Sheriffs to alleviate the current crisis.

The urgency of the situation cannot be overstated. A recent survey conducted by Dr. Lois James, PhD, revealed shocking statistics regarding the sleep, health, and wellness of SFSO deputies. With an average of only 5.25 hours of sleep per 24-hour period, deputies are facing serious risks to their health and safety. The survey also found high rates of physical and mental health problems among deputies, including high blood pressure, sleep apnea, depressive symptoms, and anxiety.

Despite these alarming findings, SFSO deputies are working an average of 28 hours of overtime per week, nearly tripling the recommended limit set by Occupational Safety and Health guidelines. This excessive overtime not only contributes to fatigue and health issues but also increases the risk of incidents and accidents on the job.

The cost analysis conducted by Dr. James further highlights the urgency of the situation. It is more cost-effective to increase the workforce by approximately 50% than to rely on overtime to fill staffing gaps.

In light of these findings, the SFDSA is demanding immediate action from Sheriff, Mayor, and Board Supervisor President. The association calls for the allocation of necessary funding to recruit and hire additional Deputy Sheriffs to ensure the safety and well-being of deputies and the public.

The SFDSA’s open letter serves as a clarion call for action. It demands results and concrete steps to address the staffing crisis in the SFSO. If no action is taken, the SFDSA is prepared to escalate its efforts and inform the public about the gravity of the situation.

The time for action is now. The safety and well-being of our deputies and our community depend on it.

Ken Lomba
San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association

Deputy Sheriffs Working the Toughest Beat in San Francisco

Amidst the bustling streets and vibrant neighborhoods of San Francisco, there exists a group of dedicated individuals who work tirelessly to ensure the safety and security of our communities. These unsung heroes are the deputy sheriffs who guard the county jails, facing unique challenges and pressures that come with the territory.

Recent data paints a stark picture of the realities these deputy sheriffs confront daily. Incidents of prisoner fights have been on the rise, placing a significant strain on the already stretched-thin staffing levels. In 2022, there were 172 prisoner fights, averaging 0.276 fights per deputy sheriff. By 2023, these numbers had increased, with 240 fights averaging 0.393 fights per deputy sheriff. These statistics underscore the challenging and often volatile environment in which these deputies operate.

In addition to the increase in prisoner fights, attacks on deputies have also been on the rise. In 2022, there were 121 attacks on deputies, averaging 0.194 attacks per deputy sheriff. By 2023, this number had surged to 216 attacks, averaging 0.354 attacks per deputy sheriff. These attacks not only pose a direct threat to the safety of the deputies but also impact their morale and well-being.

Deputies Attacked 2024

Despite these challenges, deputy sheriffs in San Francisco’s county jails continue to demonstrate unwavering dedication and professionalism in the face of adversity. They work long hours, often in high-stress situations, to ensure the safety and security of both inmates and staff. Their commitment to upholding the law and maintaining order in a challenging environment is commendable and deserving of recognition.

However, the city’s failure to address the issue of understaffing in the jails puts additional strain on these already overburdened deputies. With inadequate staffing levels, deputies are forced to work longer hours and take on increased responsibilities, leading to fatigue and burnout. The city’s proposal to eliminate staffing minimums at the Sheriff’s Office further exacerbates this issue, putting the safety of both deputies and inmates at risk.

It is crucial that we recognize the invaluable contributions of these deputy sheriffs and advocate for the resources and support they need to carry out their duties safely and effectively. By investing in additional staffing and implementing measures to improve working conditions, we can ensure that our deputy sheriffs have the support they need to continue serving our communities with professionalism and dedication.

San Francisco’s Betrayal: City Offers $53 Incentive to Keep Deputy Sheriffs

In a shocking turn of events, the City and County of San Francisco has revealed its true colors in the latest contract negotiations with Deputy Sheriffs. Despite years of dedicated service and sacrifice, Deputy Sheriffs are being offered a meager 1% longevity incentive if they continue to work past 20 years.

This offer is not just insulting; it’s a blatant disregard for the safety and security of San Francisco’s residents. While Deputy Sheriffs are offered a mere $53 per paycheck to delay their well-deserved retirement, the City has shown a stark contrast in its treatment of other departments.

In 2023, Dispatchers were given a 5% longevity incentive, totaling over $1.5 million distributed to eligible dispatchers, to retain them from retiring. The police department fared even better, with an additional 13% in longevity incentives, totaling a staggering $65.85 million distributed to eligible officers.

With 160 Deputy Sheriffs eligible to retire this year after dedicating at least 20 years of their lives to serving and protecting the City, the City’s offer is not just a slap in the face; it’s a betrayal of trust. It sends a clear message that the City does not value the contributions and sacrifices of Deputy Sheriffs.

Moreover, the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office (SFSO) is facing a severe staffing shortage, currently short-staffed by -178 deputy sheriffs. This shortage has led to overworking of Deputy Sheriffs with forced overtime, putting additional strain on an already taxed workforce.

Adding to the problem is San Francisco’s notoriously long and slow hiring process. What will San Francisco do when $53 dollars a paycheck does not retain Deputy Sheriffs from retiring? The consequences could be catastrophic. The courts could come to a grinding halt, jails could become out of control, inmates and employees would be at risk, and there would be fewer deputies on the streets for public safety. The entire system could collapse under the weight of these challenges.

It’s time for the City to wake up and recognize the dedication and commitment of Deputy Sheriffs. They deserve a fair and respectful longevity incentive that reflects their years of service and ensures the continued safety of San Francisco. Anything less is a disgraceful betrayal of those who put their lives on the line every day to keep our city safe.


SFDSA’s Forewarning Ignored: SFO Held Hostage by Protestors, Security Concerns Persist

Just over a year ago, the San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association (SFDSA) issued a warning to San Francisco International Airport (SFO) Director Ivar Satero regarding the weak level of security at the airport. The SFDSA highlighted concerns about the staffing of police officers at SFO, noting that the current system, where SFPD staffing is dependent on city levels, was flawed and compromised public safety.

Despite this warning, yesterday, SFO experienced a major security breach as protestors took over the airport, disrupting operations and holding it hostage for close to three hours. The protestors, demanding a ceasefire in Gaza and an end to U.S. military aid to Israel, blocked traffic outside the International Terminal and security lanes inside the airport.

sfo protestors

The incident raised serious questions about SFO’s security preparedness and response. Despite the SFDSA‘s forethought and identification of security weaknesses, SFO did not call on the San Francisco Sheriffs for assistance during the protest, highlighting a failure to address the security concerns raised by the SFDSA.


The SFDSA’s warning, issued a year ago, was a clear indication of the potential security risks at SFO. The fact that these concerns were not addressed and that SFO did not utilize available resources, such as the San Francisco Sheriffs, during yesterday’s protest, is troubling.

Moving forward, it is imperative that SFO takes immediate action to address its security vulnerabilities and ensure the safety of its employees, customers, and infrastructure. The SFDSA’s warning should serve as a wake-up call, emphasizing the importance of proactive security measures and the need to heed warnings from law enforcement professionals.

The incident at SFO underscores the critical importance of maintaining strong security measures at all times, especially at key transportation hubs like airports. Failure to do so can have serious consequences, as demonstrated by yesterday’s events at SFO.

San Francisco International Airport Held Hostage: A Critical Security Breach

San Francisco International Airport (SFO), a vital hub for international travel, faced a major security breach on Wednesday as protesters held the airport hostage for close to three hours. The incident, which disrupted normal operations and caused fear among employees and customers, highlighted the vulnerabilities of critical infrastructure to large-scale protests.

The protesters, demanding a ceasefire in Gaza and an end to U.S. military aid to Israel, blocked traffic outside the International Terminal and security lanes inside the airport. This disruptive behavior not only caused chaos but also raised serious security concerns.



SFO International is classified as a super-critical infrastructure due to its importance in international travel and commerce. Any disruption to its operations poses significant risks, including the potential for a terrorist attack. The protest at SFO demonstrated how easily such a critical infrastructure can be compromised, putting thousands of lives at risk.

Employees and customers at SFO were in fear for their safety during the ordeal. The possibility of a terrorist attack was a looming threat, as the protest created a situation where security measures could be bypassed or compromised. Despite the peaceful nature of the protest, the potential for violence or escalation was a constant concern.

The incident at SFO serves as a wake-up call for the need to enhance security measures at critical infrastructure sites. It also underscores the importance of having robust contingency plans in place to respond to such emergencies swiftly and effectively.

Authorities must ensure that such disruptions do not occur again, and that the security and safety of passengers, employees, and infrastructure are prioritized at all times. Any compromise of a super-critical infrastructure like SFO could have far-reaching consequences, making it imperative to prevent such incidents in the future.

San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association (SFDSA) Files BAR Misconduct Complaint Against Deputy Public Defender Ilona Yanez

San Francisco, CA – Feb. 22, 2024 – The San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association (SFDSA) has filed a formal complaint against Deputy Public Defender Ilona Yanez for misconduct under the State BAR of California rules. This complaint comes in response to Yanez’s handling of a domestic violence case involving survivor Jordana Cahen, which was recently exposed in an investigative report by ABC7 News I-Team’s Dan Noyes.

The complaint alleges that Yanez displayed bias against the victim, minimized Jordana’s experience, and shifted the focus away from the abuser’s actions, in violation of the California State BAR rule against bias. Yanez is also accused of abusing her authority by intervening in a small claims court complaint filed by Jordana against the abuser, compromising Jordana’s pursuit of justice.

Furthermore, Yanez’s interactions with the jury after the verdict, including buying drinks for several jurors and discussing the case with them, demonstrate a lack of respect for the legal process and the integrity of the jury system.

SFDSA President Ken Lomba stated, “The conduct of Deputy Public Defender Ilona Yanez in this case is deeply concerning and undermines the principles of justice and fairness that are fundamental to our legal system. We urge the State BAR of California to conduct a thorough investigation into Yanez’s conduct and take appropriate disciplinary action.”

The SFDSA is committed to upholding the highest standards of professionalism and ethics within the legal profession and will continue to advocate for the rights of victims of domestic violence.

Ken Lomba
San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association

Applying the Rule of Law to Fix San Francisco’s Tenderloin District

San Francisco’s Tenderloin District has faced longstanding challenges related to drug use, crime, and homelessness. Despite efforts to address these issues, the district continues to struggle with illegal drug markets, public health hazards, and social disorder. San Francisco’s approach, which has focused on social justice ideas and initiatives with minimal consequences for illegal activities, has failed to yield significant improvements.

sf tenderloin


The city has allocated considerable resources to various programs and initiatives aimed at addressing the problems in the Tenderloin District. However, the lack of a robust enforcement strategy and a reliance on social justice principles have not effectively deterred illegal drug use or reduced the negative impacts on the community.

It is evident that the city’s current approach is not working, as evidenced by the persistent challenges faced by the Tenderloin District and other areas of San Francisco. The failure to address these issues has resulted in a waste of public funds and a deterioration of the quality of life for residents and businesses in the affected areas.

To remedy this situation, San Francisco must prioritize the rule of law in its efforts to fix the Tenderloin District. This entails:

  1. Focused Law Enforcement: Implementing a targeted and robust law enforcement strategy to disrupt illegal drug markets and criminal activities in the district.
  2. Incarceration-Based Rehabilitation: Providing rehabilitation programs within the criminal justice system to offer a controlled environment for individuals with substance use disorders to receive treatment and support.
  3. Zero Tolerance for Illegal Drug Activities: Adopting a zero-tolerance policy for illegal drug use and trafficking to send a clear message that such activities will not be tolerated.
  4. Community Engagement: Engaging with local stakeholders to build trust and collaboration in addressing the root causes of the issues in the Tenderloin District.
  5. Transparent and Accountable Spending: Ensuring that public funds are allocated transparently and used accountably to maximize their effectiveness in addressing the challenges faced by the district.

By prioritizing the rule of law and taking decisive action to address the issues in the Tenderloin District, San Francisco can work towards creating a safer, cleaner, and more livable environment for all its residents.  Stop Dancing Around the Issue San Francisco, this is a working plan!

URGENT – Disturbing Default on Payment by San Francisco: A Christmas Crisis for Deputy Sheriffs


URGENT – Disturbing Default on Payment by the City and County of San Francisco: A Christmas Crisis for Deputy Sheriffs

San Francisco Grinch


San Francisco, December 9, 2023 – In a dire development, the City and County of San Francisco (CCSF) grapples with severe financial turbulence, defaulting on an outstanding debt of $74,376.73 owed to 70 Deputy Sheriffs. This disconcerting situation is compounded by Moody’s recent revision of its rating outlook to negative from stable, prompting an urgent response from concerned parties.

This default, stemming from contract violations related to the non-payment of Watch Commanders, has not only breached trust but also jeopardized public safety. Recent polling indicates that public safety is the number one priority for San Francisco voters, emphasizing the critical role law enforcement officers play in maintaining community well-being.

Since May 2023, an additional $94,675.00 owed to deputies for increased workload due to understaffing at the Sheriff’s Office remains unpaid. This alarming default not only raises financial concerns but also questions how San Francisco intends to attract and retain Deputy Sheriffs while maintaining high morale.  San Francisco owes a total of $169,051.73 to Deputy Sheriffs and has not paid it.

As the holiday season approaches, San Francisco risks becoming the Grinch that stole Christmas from its very own deputy sheriffs by withholding the payment owed to them. This act of financial neglect not only casts a shadow over the festive season but also raises ethical questions about the city’s commitment to the well-being of its law enforcement officers.

Public safety, a paramount concern for San Francisco voters, is at risk due to the city’s failure to honor financial commitments to its law enforcement officers. This breach of trust not only undermines the dedication of these officers but also poses a threat to the overall well-being of the community.

Efforts to address these issues with relevant authorities have proven futile, necessitating the escalation of this matter to Moody’s Investor Services. The recent revision in Moody’s rating outlook to negative underscores the severity of the financial challenges faced by CCSF. The City’s inability to meet its financial commitments raises concerns not only about its overall creditworthiness but also about its ability to prioritize public safety.

In a letter addressed to Moody’s Investor Services, the undersigned parties express profound disappointment and urgency, urging an in-depth examination of CCSF’s financial standing. The gravity of the defaults, coupled with the negative revision in rating outlook, demands a comprehensive evaluation of the municipality’s creditworthiness.

The undersigned parties remain resolute in navigating these tumultuous waters, seeking transparency, accountability, and immediate corrective action from the City and County of San Francisco to safeguard public safety and uphold the morale of its dedicated law enforcement officers during this holiday season.

A letter demanding urgent payment for the city’s breach of payment was sent to Mayor London Breed and all members of the Board of Supervisors by the SFDSA.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Ken Lomba
SFDSA President


Cost Neutral Sign On Bonus Program: The Smart Way to Cut Recruitment Costs

In the fast-paced world of law enforcement, we’re all too familiar with the challenges of securing top-notch talent while balancing the books. As we navigate this landscape, one tactic gaining traction is the introduction of cost-neutral lateral officer signing bonuses tailored to recognize the value of all ready trained Deputy Sheriffs and Police Officers. By cutting out the costs tied to academy training, wages, and benefits, often stretching over 6 to 9 months, we can redirect these savings into an enticing signing bonus program for lateral officers which have all ready been trained and have experience, boasting an impressive $75,000.00 similar to Alameda’s Police Sign On Bonus.

Skipping the expenses typically associated with conventional academy training, including instructor fees, equipment purchases, and administrative overhead, frees up a significant chunk of the agency’s budget. Not to mention, bypassing the need to pay wages and benefits to new recruits during their training phase adds to the pot of saved resources. This move acknowledges the skill set and know-how of experienced officers, making long-drawn training periods obsolete and, as a result, bringing in substantial savings for the agency.

By funneling these funds into an attractive signing bonus package, our law enforcement agency positions itself as a competitive and appealing career destination for seasoned professionals. This $75,000.00 sign-on bonus stands as a testament to our recognition of the expertise and dedication of our lateral officers. It’s a powerful motivator for experienced officers to consider making the shift to our team. Their inclusion not only fortifies our operational capabilities but also nurtures a dynamic and diverse work environment brimming with specialized knowledge and honed skills.

With a firm commitment to fiscal responsibility and the nurturing of a high-caliber workforce, the strategic introduction of cost-neutral signing bonuses signals a significant shift in our recruitment approach. By shrewdly redirecting savings from omitted training costs, we demonstrate our unwavering dedication to attracting top-tier talent and bolstering our operational prowess, all in the service of upholding the highest standards of public safety and community well-being.  San Francisco needs to implement Sign On Bonuses Now!