SFDSA Files Lawsuit Against SF Sheriff

At some time prior to July 8, 2022, the City and County of San Francisco Sheriff’s Office decided to create a pilot program in County Jail #3 (“CJ3”) in housing unit 5. The San Francisco Sheriff’s Office had two employees evaluate the functionality of the program and identify any concerns they saw with the changes proposed by the Sheriff’s Office. These deputies found numerous safety concerns that made it difficult to perform the regular safety checks of the inmates in some cases and completely impossible in other cases.

Despite the safety concerns, on July 8, 2022, the changes were implemented.

CJ3 has multiple housing units that are the shape of a circle with inmate cells on the perimeter of the circle. This circle is divided into to sides, the A and B sides. Inmates from A cannot cross over to B and vice versa. On one side of the dividing line is a “Crow’s Nest” or a tower with windows that can look out over portions of both the A and B sides of the housing unit. This Crow’s Nest has previously not been used.

Prior to July 8, 2022, CJ 3 has always had 2 deputies working a general population housing unit. One each on the A and B sides. These deputies worked on the floor with the inmates.

Safety Checks are required to be done every hour. There are state laws, known as Title 15 rules, as well as a San Francisco Sheriff’s Office policy, CODM 4.04, which outline the minimum requirements for these safety checks. The purpose of the checks is to maintain safety and security in the jail for staff, visitors and the inmates. Some of the requirements of these checks include noting the skin color of the inmate, the rise and fall of the chest, movement that indicates life, looking for any signs of illness or distress, inspection of cell doors and windows and a search for any apparent contraband or hazards.

These safety checks were completed by the deputies working on the floor but walking up to each inmate cell door and observing the inmate, the cell and surrounding area. Sometimes, at night, a flashlight would be required to properly check the welfare of the inmates.

On July 8, 2022, this changed. No longer would there be any floor deputies. Now, only one deputy, instead of two, would monitor all the inmates by him/herself, from the Crow’s Nest. In the event of an emergency, the deputy in the Crow’s Nest was not to leave and assist an inmate having a medical emergency, being attacked, or attempting to harm himself, instead, the deputy is now required to call for help. Deputies who are roaming around the rest of the jail would then have to respond and handle the situation, wasting valuable time.

The San Francisco Sheriff’s Office was unable to remedy all the safety concerns raised by the two employees who evaluated the new Crow’s Nest plan. The San Francisco Sheriff’s Office administration directed Crow’s Nest deputies to utilize binoculars to assist them in seeing the inmates better. While this may help with viewing some of the inmates when the lights are on, they do little to help at night and cannot solve the problem of the inability to see some of the cells at all, with or without binoculars.

The DSA sent a letter to the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office on July 18, 2022 and it was resent to the Director of Employee Relations, on July 22, 2022. This letter demanded that the new Crow’s Nest practice stop until the parties can meet and confer over the impacts and effects of it. Numerous impacts and effects were listed in this notice.

The San Francisco Sheriff’s Office responded on July 26, 2022, refusing to maintain the status quo until the parties were able to meet and confer.

Within days of its implementation, a fight broke out in one of the cells in the evening and it was not discovered until the next morning. This is evidence of the lack of safety the DSA was concerned with when it demanded the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office cease and desist its new Crow’s Nest practice.

March 28, 2022 RFI.

On March 28, 2022, the DSA requested information necessary and relevant to ascertain the dates, times, and shifts that the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office fell below the minimum staffing required by the MOU. (Exhibit X) Arbitrator Alexander Cohen previously resolved a grievance filed by DSA when the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office previously violated the Minimum Staffing section of the MOU. Arbitrator Cohen issued his ruling in favor of the DSA in 2017 in favor of the DSA. In his decision, he awarded damages to be paid to those members who worked on shifts that were below the minimum staffing required by the MOU. Because the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office continued to fall below the minimum staffing, the DSA filed a new grievance on March 4, 2022. The RFI filed on March 28, 2022 was to gather necessary and relevant information to calculate the damages incurred by the DSA members as the result of the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office’s current grievance for again violating the MOU. (Lomba Decl. ¶ 9)

The March 28, 2022 RFI was acknowledged received by the City Attorney’s office and forwarded to the Employee Relations Division (ERD) to respond. No response from ERD was ever received. (Howell Decl. ¶ 6 and 9; Exhibit 3) On May 2, 2022, the DSA followed up with ERD and the City Attorney’s office and demanded production of the RFI by May 9, 2022, which never came. (Howell Decl. ¶ 10 and 11; Exhibit 5)

On May 13, 2022, the DSA filed a First Amended Unfair Labor Practice Charge in PERB Case No. SF-CE-1794-M to have this matter added to that current litigation. On June 7, 2022, after filing the amendment to the PERB Charge, the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office produced documents responsive to the March 28, 2022 RFI. Judge Cloughesy declined to amend the Charge and Complaint in that matter to include this RFI issue but gave leave to refile this matter with PERB.

February 16, 2022 RFI.

On February 16, 2022, the DSA requested information necessary and relevant to ascertain the names, dates, and hours of Overtime Pay DSA members were denied. Information was also requested to ascertain the history, deliberation, changes, analysis and communications regarding Administrative Code section 18.13 involving the maximum permissible overtime. This information is necessary for the DSA to enforce the contract at a grievance proceeding and is unable to establish the damages or the individual DSA members affected, without the response to the RFI.

The February 16, 2022 RFI was acknowledge received by the City Attorney’s Office on February 22, 2022, via email. (EXHIBIT XX – email from KNS to Rapoport and back) Having received no responsive documents, the DSA’s counsel sent an email on August 2, 2022 to demand production. (Exhibit XX – Email KNS to)



Ken Lomba
SFDSA President
San Francisco, CA

La Asociación de Alguaciles Adjuntos de San Francisco exige una investigación del Gran Jurado Civil contra la Oficina del Alguacil

El personal en las Cárceles de San Francisco se ha vuelto peligrosamente inseguro con reclusos que atacan a reclusos, enfermeras, ayudantes del alguacil y empleados civiles. La Oficina del Sheriff de San Francisco y la Ciudad y el Condado de San Francisco han faltado personal a las cárceles a un nivel peligrosamente bajo, no han priorizado la financiación para contratar agentes, ni siquiera han priorizado la retención de los agentes actuales.

En un correo electrónico del presidente de la Asociación de Alguaciles Adjuntos de San Francisco, Ken Lomba, al alguacil Miyamoto, el presidente Lomba declaró que la SFDSA ha estado abogando por la contratación y advirtiendo a la gerencia de la oficina del alguacil sobre los problemas de personal durante más de una década. Dos años y medio de los que Miyamoto fue Sheriff. El presidente Lomba dijo que el aumento de la carga de trabajo debido a la falta intencional de contratación se ha convertido en “trabajo de explotación”. La Asociación de Alguaciles Adjuntos de San Francisco ha presentado una Queja Civil ante el Gran Jurado exigiendo que se investigue a la Oficina del Alguacil y a la Ciudad y el Condado de San Francisco.

Desde 2014 ha habido 3 informes separados del Gran Jurado Civil de San Francisco advirtiendo sobre los efectos de ir por debajo de los niveles mínimos de personal y acelerar la contratación en lugar de horas extras forzadas. Incluso hubo una advertencia de una posible violación del Título 15 en el futuro si nada cambia. Desafortunadamente, la Oficina del Sheriff no ha podido contratar a la cantidad adecuada de agentes para crear un entorno de trabajo seguro tanto para los agentes como para los reclusos. Los niveles mínimos de personal han empeorado y, en definitiva, los diputados están agotados.

En los informes anteriores, el Gran Jurado encontró que debido a la disminución del número total de agentes empleados por la Ciudad y el Condado de San Francisco, el exceso de horas extras y la escasez de cuerpos no permitieron que los importantes programas de reclusos existentes y mucho menos aumentaran el número de reclusos. programas recomendados. Además, la capacitación recomendada para los diputados no pudo llevarse a cabo o fue inadecuada para tratar la salud mental y el abuso de sustancias, así como muchos otros problemas que experimenta la población alojada.

En última instancia, este Gran Jurado recomendó en tres ocasiones distintas en 2014, 2016 y 2017 “acelerar la contratación para reducir las horas extra”. Las recomendaciones del Gran Jurado nunca se han seguido y la situación se ha vuelto insostenible ya que el número de diputados es menor ahora que cuando este Gran Jurado hizo estas fuertes recomendaciones.


Hace solo unos días, el 9 de junio de 2022, el alguacil Miyamoto emitió un memorando a todo el personal de la cárcel de la ciudad y el condado de San Francisco identificando sus intenciones de operar por debajo del personal mínimo durante un período de los próximos 8 a 9 meses. La Ciudad y el Condado de San Francisco ha reconocido claramente la inutilidad de dar la apariencia de alcanzar la dotación mínima de personal y ahora ha admitido que no puede ejercer su deber de hacerlo.

La ciudad y el condado de San Francisco compiten ferozmente con los condados vecinos, Alameda y San Mateo, por el personal penitenciario. Alameda ha estado bajo un decreto de consentimiento para contratar más personal penitenciario. Sería una pena que la ciudad y el condado de San Francisco estuvieran bajo una supervisión gubernamental similar. La ciudad y el condado de San Francisco pueden acelerar la contratación de personal, pero no lo han convertido en una prioridad, a expensas del personal penitenciario exhausto y con exceso de trabajo.

La Queja del Gran Jurado Civil contra la Oficina del Alguacil y la Ciudad y el Condado de San Francisco se presentó el 20 de junio de 2022. Este Gran Jurado debe exigir respuestas de la Oficina del Alguacil de San Francisco sobre por qué no ha cumplido con sus 3 recomendaciones separadas desde 2014.

Vea la queja aquí, Queja del gran jurado civil contra el alguacil de SF


Ken Lomba, Presidente de SFDSA
San Francisco, CA

Website: https://sanfranciscodsa.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SanFranciscoDSA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SanFranciscoDeputySheriffsAssociation



在舊金山縣治安官協會主席 Ken Lomba 給宮本警長的一封電子郵件中,Lomba 總統表示,十多年來,舊金山縣治安官協會一直在倡導招聘並警告治安官辦公室管理層人員配備問題。宮本在其中擔任警長兩年半。隆巴總統說,由於故意缺乏招聘而增加的工作負擔已經變成了“血汗工廠勞動”。舊金山縣治安官協會已提交民事大陪審團投訴,要求對治安官辦公室和舊金山市和縣進行調查。

自 2014 年以來,SF Civil 大陪審團發布了 3 份單獨的報告,警告稱低於最低人員配置水平和加快招聘而不是強制加班的影響。如果沒有任何變化,甚至會警告未來可能違反第 15 條。不幸的是,警長辦公室未能聘請適當數量的警員來為警員和囚犯創造安全的工作環境。最低人員配備水平變得更糟,而且底線是:代表們已經筋疲力盡了。


最終,這個大陪審團在 2014 年、2016 年和 2017 年的三個不同場合建議“加快招聘以減少加班”。大陪審團的建議從未得到遵循,而且由於代表人數現在比大陪審團提出這些強烈建議時的人數少,情況變得難以為繼。

最終,這個大陪審團在 2014 年、2016 年和 2017 年的三個不同場合建議“加快招聘以減少加班”。大陪審團的建議從未得到遵循,而且由於代表人數現在比大陪審團提出這些強烈建議時的人數少,情況變得難以為繼。


就在幾天前,也就是 2022 年 6 月 9 日,宮本警長向舊金山市和縣的所有監獄工作人員發布了一份備忘錄,明確了他在未來 8 到 9 個月內的意圖——低於最低限度的工作人員!舊金山市和縣已經清楚地認識到,假裝達到最低人員配置是徒勞的,現在承認它無法履行其職責。


民事大陪審團針對治安官辦公室和舊金山市縣的投訴於 2022 年 6 月 20 日提交。該大陪審團應要求舊金山治安官辦公室就其未能遵守其 3 項單獨建議的原因作出答复自 2014 年以來。





San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association notified SF Mayor to Force SF Sheriff’ s Office to Increase Hiring

The San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association wrote a letter to San Francisco Mayor London Breed and requested that she intervene to force the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office to increase hiring.

SFDSA President Ken Lomba stated, “We have been advocating for hiring over the last 5 years with Sheriff’s Administration. In the last two years the Sheriff’s Office has taken salary savings to an all time high, exhausting our deputy sheriff members.”

San Francisco Sheriff Miyamoto has told the San Francisco Board of Supervisors that he will expedite the hiring of 75 Deputy Sheriffs this year. Sixty new deputies and fifteen academy trained and/or laterals. The problem with this is more than 75 deputies will have resigned and retired by the end of this fiscal year which will put the Sheriff’s Office in a further negative.

To operate the San Francisco Jails, it requires 423 deputy sheriffs. Currently the jail staffing is minus approximately 130 deputy sheriffs. This is not the only staffing shortage at the San Francisco Sheriffs’ Office, the Field Operations Division which is primarily patrol and government building law enforcement is approximately 50 deputy sheriffs short. At the same time the managers and supervisors from sergeant to sheriff are nearly 100% staffed. During Sheriff Miyamoto’s term the amount of supervisors’ positions have increased, and field operation positions have increased. Both of those increases had negatively impacted the staffing within the San Francisco Jails.

The San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association asked Mayor London Breed to intervene to increase deputy sheriffs in the San Francisco Jails.

San Francisco Mayor Needs to Force SF Sheriff’s Office to Increase Hiring

San Francisco, California, June 24, 2022 — The San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association wrote a letter to San Francisco Mayor London Breed and requested that she intervene to force the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office to increase hiring.

 SFDSA President Ken Lomba stated, “We have been advocating for hiring over that last 5 years with Sheriff’s Administration. In the last two years the Sheriff’s Office has taken salary savings to an all time high, exhausting our deputy sheriff members. Instead of hiring at appropriate levels the Sheriff’s Office prefers to force more overtime!”

San Francisco Sheriff Miyamoto has told the San Francisco Board of Supervisors that he will expedite the hiring of 75 Deputy Sheriffs this year.  Sixty new deputies and fifteen academy trained and/or laterals.  The problem with this is more than 75 deputies will have resigned and retired by the end of this fiscal year which will put the Sheriff’s Office in a further negative.  

Since 2014 there have been 3 separate reports from the SF Civil Grand Jury warning about the effects of going below minimum staffing levels and to expedite hiring instead of forced overtime. There was even a warning of a possible violation of Title 15 in the future if nothing changes. Unfortunately, the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office has failed to hire the proper number of deputies to create a safe working environment for both our deputies and inmates. The staffing levels have gotten worse, and bottom line: our deputies are exhausted.  Without the appropriate amount of deputy sheriffs at the jails this will affect the amount of family, friend and legal visits that can be conducted, it will affect the amount of recreation time for inmates, being understaffed will even affect and slow the intake and booking abilities of the Sheriff’s Office. 

Lawsuits are mounting for not allowing the currently incarcerated to have exercise time, walk time, sunshine time and now lawsuits over sleep deprivation.  The San Francisco Jails are an unsafe environment due to understaffing.  The San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association is extremely concerned about the safety of the inmates, nurses, civilian employees and our deputy sheriff members.  The San Francisco Jails are not immune to crime, in past history there has been a variety of crimes from fights to stabbings, illegal drugs, drug sales, robbery, sexual assaults and more.  Matter of fact, there was a staffing crisis in the 90’s, multiple lawsuits were filed, when inmates were sexually assaulted, sodomized for approximately 30 days and physically attacked.  In this SFweekly article it describes several lawsuits for unsafe conditions where inmates were sexual assaulted, sodomized and physically attacked.  In each court ruling the judge demanded an increase in deputy sheriffs, yet the Sheriff Office has fallen into a past practice of unsafe understaffing which places inmates and employees in danger.

The San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association has asked Mayor London Breed to intervene to increase deputy sheriffs in the San Francisco Jails.  Will Mayor London Breed answer the call to increase the safety of our jails?