San Francisco Sheriff’s Office Struggles Amid Staffing Crisis Amid Civil Unrest, Protests, and Rising Violence

The San Francisco Sheriff’s Office is in the midst of a staffing crisis, severely impacting its ability to maintain safety and respond effectively to emergencies. The recent blockage of the Golden Gate Bridge by pro-Palestinian protesters underscored the department’s challenges, with off-duty deputies being urgently called in to address the situation due to the staffing shortfall.

One of the most pressing issues exacerbated by the staffing shortage is the escalating violence within the jails, including an alarming rise in prisoner fights and attacks on deputies. These incidents not only jeopardize the lives of deputies but also compromise the safety and security of inmates and staff. The lack of adequate staffing has made it increasingly difficult for the Sheriff’s Office to manage these incidents and ensure the safety of all involved.

Who is going to respond? We are running out of Deputy Sheriffs!

In addition to internal challenges, the Sheriff’s Office is also facing external pressures, such as civil unrest and protests, which have become more frequent and intense. These events require a significant law enforcement presence to maintain order and protect public safety. However, the staffing shortage has forced the department to stretch its resources thin, raising concerns about its ability to respond effectively to such events.

SF Protest No Staffing


Addressing the current staffing crisis at the Sheriff’s Office requires immediate and decisive action. Hiring must be made a top priority, with a focus on fast-tracking the recruitment process to quickly fill vacant positions. The Sheriff’s Office should explore all available options to expedite hiring, including streamlining application processes and offering incentives to attract qualified candidates.

In conclusion, the staffing crisis facing the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office is a critical issue that demands urgent attention. Failure to address this crisis not only endangers the safety of deputies and inmates but also undermines the department’s ability to maintain public safety during times of civil unrest and protests. It is imperative that immediate steps are taken to increase staffing levels and ensure that the Sheriff’s Office is adequately equipped to handle the challenges it faces.

Prisoner Fights Increasing in SF Jails as City Understaffs Sheriff’s Office

In recent years, the San Francisco jails have seen a concerning rise in prisoner fights, highlighting the critical issue of inadequate staffing in in the jail facilities. This trend not only jeopardizes the safety of inmates but also poses significant challenges for the deputies tasked with maintaining order and security.

One of the most pressing concerns arising from this staffing shortage is the delayed or inadequate response to violent altercations between inmates. With fewer deputies on duty, the ability to quickly intervene and de-escalate volatile situations is compromised, leading to an increased risk of injuries and further escalation of violence.

Moreover, the lack of sufficient staffing also impacts the ability to provide timely medical response to inmates in need. In emergency situations, every minute counts, and understaffed facilities struggle to ensure that medical emergencies are promptly attended to, putting the health and well-being of inmates at risk.

Another critical aspect affected by inadequate staffing is the ability to maintain regular safety checks on prisoners. Proper supervision and monitoring are essential to prevent conflicts and ensure the overall security of the facility. However, with fewer deputies available, the frequency and effectiveness of these safety checks are compromised, creating vulnerabilities within the facility.

Despite these challenges, the city administration has been slow to address the issue of understaffing in jail facilities. In fact, there have been discussions about eliminating staffing minimums at the Sheriff’s Office, a move that could further exacerbate the problem and compromise the safety of both inmates and deputies.

It is imperative that city officials prioritize the safety and security of correctional facilities by ensuring adequate staffing levels. Investing in additional resources and implementing measures to attract and retain qualified deputies is crucial to addressing this pressing issue. Failure to do so not only jeopardizes the well-being of those incarcerated but also undermines the safety and effectiveness of the entire correctional system.

San Francisco’s Homelessness Crisis: A Misuse of Funds and a Betrayal of Public Trust

In a shocking revelation, the City and County of San Francisco’s approach to tackling homelessness has been marred by mismanagement and fraud, further exacerbating the crisis on its streets. Despite a budget of $672 million allocated to the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing in fiscal year 2023, the city has little to show for its efforts, with more than 60% of the funds designated for housing, 20% for shelter, and the rest for prevention, outreach, and staffing.

Recent investigations have uncovered rampant fraud among the non-profits and organizations receiving funds from the city to address homelessness. These revelations highlight a gross misuse of public funds and a betrayal of the trust placed in these organizations to effectively combat homelessness.

Compounding this issue is the city’s misguided focus on housing and shelter as the primary solutions to homelessness. The reality is that homelessness in San Francisco is not solely a product of poverty but more so a crime problem rooted in drug use. Despite this, the city has continued to pour exorbitant amounts of money into housing and shelter programs that have failed to address the underlying causes of homelessness.

Meanwhile, the Sheriff’s Department, responsible for maintaining public safety and order, is facing a severe staffing shortage of -178 deputy sheriffs. The City’s response to this critical issue has been woefully inadequate, offering Deputy Sheriffs a meager 1% longevity incentive, equating to a paltry $53 per paycheck for those who continue to work past 20 years.

In contrast, other law enforcement agencies, such as the police department and dispatchers, have received significant longevity incentives, with dispatchers receiving a 5% incentive totaling over $1.5 million and the police department receiving an additional 13% totaling $65.85 million. This disparity in treatment underscores the City’s disregard for the contributions and sacrifices of the Sheriff’s Department.


Adding to the challenges faced by the Sheriff’s Department, the City has also resumed defunding and divesting from the department, a move that could ultimately lead to the destruction of the San Francisco criminal justice system. This raises questions about the City’s motives and whether this was the goal all along.

As San Francisco grapples with these challenges, it is clear that a new approach is needed to address the homelessness crisis and support law enforcement agencies. The City must prioritize transparency, accountability, inclusiveness, equity, and efficiency in its spending to ensure that public funds are used effectively and responsibly. Anything less would be a disservice to the residents of San Francisco and a betrayal of the public trust.

San Francisco’s Betrayal: City Offers $53 Incentive to Keep Deputy Sheriffs

In a shocking turn of events, the City and County of San Francisco has revealed its true colors in the latest contract negotiations with Deputy Sheriffs. Despite years of dedicated service and sacrifice, Deputy Sheriffs are being offered a meager 1% longevity incentive if they continue to work past 20 years.

This offer is not just insulting; it’s a blatant disregard for the safety and security of San Francisco’s residents. While Deputy Sheriffs are offered a mere $53 per paycheck to delay their well-deserved retirement, the City has shown a stark contrast in its treatment of other departments.

In 2023, Dispatchers were given a 5% longevity incentive, totaling over $1.5 million distributed to eligible dispatchers, to retain them from retiring. The police department fared even better, with an additional 13% in longevity incentives, totaling a staggering $65.85 million distributed to eligible officers.

With 160 Deputy Sheriffs eligible to retire this year after dedicating at least 20 years of their lives to serving and protecting the City, the City’s offer is not just a slap in the face; it’s a betrayal of trust. It sends a clear message that the City does not value the contributions and sacrifices of Deputy Sheriffs.

Moreover, the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office (SFSO) is facing a severe staffing shortage, currently short-staffed by -178 deputy sheriffs. This shortage has led to overworking of Deputy Sheriffs with forced overtime, putting additional strain on an already taxed workforce.

Adding to the problem is San Francisco’s notoriously long and slow hiring process. What will San Francisco do when $53 dollars a paycheck does not retain Deputy Sheriffs from retiring? The consequences could be catastrophic. The courts could come to a grinding halt, jails could become out of control, inmates and employees would be at risk, and there would be fewer deputies on the streets for public safety. The entire system could collapse under the weight of these challenges.

It’s time for the City to wake up and recognize the dedication and commitment of Deputy Sheriffs. They deserve a fair and respectful longevity incentive that reflects their years of service and ensures the continued safety of San Francisco. Anything less is a disgraceful betrayal of those who put their lives on the line every day to keep our city safe.


SFDSA’s Forewarning Ignored: SFO Held Hostage by Protestors, Security Concerns Persist

Just over a year ago, the San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association (SFDSA) issued a warning to San Francisco International Airport (SFO) Director Ivar Satero regarding the weak level of security at the airport. The SFDSA highlighted concerns about the staffing of police officers at SFO, noting that the current system, where SFPD staffing is dependent on city levels, was flawed and compromised public safety.

Despite this warning, yesterday, SFO experienced a major security breach as protestors took over the airport, disrupting operations and holding it hostage for close to three hours. The protestors, demanding a ceasefire in Gaza and an end to U.S. military aid to Israel, blocked traffic outside the International Terminal and security lanes inside the airport.

sfo protestors

The incident raised serious questions about SFO’s security preparedness and response. Despite the SFDSA‘s forethought and identification of security weaknesses, SFO did not call on the San Francisco Sheriffs for assistance during the protest, highlighting a failure to address the security concerns raised by the SFDSA.


The SFDSA’s warning, issued a year ago, was a clear indication of the potential security risks at SFO. The fact that these concerns were not addressed and that SFO did not utilize available resources, such as the San Francisco Sheriffs, during yesterday’s protest, is troubling.

Moving forward, it is imperative that SFO takes immediate action to address its security vulnerabilities and ensure the safety of its employees, customers, and infrastructure. The SFDSA’s warning should serve as a wake-up call, emphasizing the importance of proactive security measures and the need to heed warnings from law enforcement professionals.

The incident at SFO underscores the critical importance of maintaining strong security measures at all times, especially at key transportation hubs like airports. Failure to do so can have serious consequences, as demonstrated by yesterday’s events at SFO.

URGENT – Disturbing Default on Payment by San Francisco: A Christmas Crisis for Deputy Sheriffs


URGENT – Disturbing Default on Payment by the City and County of San Francisco: A Christmas Crisis for Deputy Sheriffs

San Francisco Grinch


San Francisco, December 9, 2023 – In a dire development, the City and County of San Francisco (CCSF) grapples with severe financial turbulence, defaulting on an outstanding debt of $74,376.73 owed to 70 Deputy Sheriffs. This disconcerting situation is compounded by Moody’s recent revision of its rating outlook to negative from stable, prompting an urgent response from concerned parties.

This default, stemming from contract violations related to the non-payment of Watch Commanders, has not only breached trust but also jeopardized public safety. Recent polling indicates that public safety is the number one priority for San Francisco voters, emphasizing the critical role law enforcement officers play in maintaining community well-being.

Since May 2023, an additional $94,675.00 owed to deputies for increased workload due to understaffing at the Sheriff’s Office remains unpaid. This alarming default not only raises financial concerns but also questions how San Francisco intends to attract and retain Deputy Sheriffs while maintaining high morale.  San Francisco owes a total of $169,051.73 to Deputy Sheriffs and has not paid it.

As the holiday season approaches, San Francisco risks becoming the Grinch that stole Christmas from its very own deputy sheriffs by withholding the payment owed to them. This act of financial neglect not only casts a shadow over the festive season but also raises ethical questions about the city’s commitment to the well-being of its law enforcement officers.

Public safety, a paramount concern for San Francisco voters, is at risk due to the city’s failure to honor financial commitments to its law enforcement officers. This breach of trust not only undermines the dedication of these officers but also poses a threat to the overall well-being of the community.

Efforts to address these issues with relevant authorities have proven futile, necessitating the escalation of this matter to Moody’s Investor Services. The recent revision in Moody’s rating outlook to negative underscores the severity of the financial challenges faced by CCSF. The City’s inability to meet its financial commitments raises concerns not only about its overall creditworthiness but also about its ability to prioritize public safety.

In a letter addressed to Moody’s Investor Services, the undersigned parties express profound disappointment and urgency, urging an in-depth examination of CCSF’s financial standing. The gravity of the defaults, coupled with the negative revision in rating outlook, demands a comprehensive evaluation of the municipality’s creditworthiness.

The undersigned parties remain resolute in navigating these tumultuous waters, seeking transparency, accountability, and immediate corrective action from the City and County of San Francisco to safeguard public safety and uphold the morale of its dedicated law enforcement officers during this holiday season.

A letter demanding urgent payment for the city’s breach of payment was sent to Mayor London Breed and all members of the Board of Supervisors by the SFDSA.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Ken Lomba
SFDSA President


Cost Neutral Sign On Bonus Program: The Smart Way to Cut Recruitment Costs

In the fast-paced world of law enforcement, we’re all too familiar with the challenges of securing top-notch talent while balancing the books. As we navigate this landscape, one tactic gaining traction is the introduction of cost-neutral lateral officer signing bonuses tailored to recognize the value of all ready trained Deputy Sheriffs and Police Officers. By cutting out the costs tied to academy training, wages, and benefits, often stretching over 6 to 9 months, we can redirect these savings into an enticing signing bonus program for lateral officers which have all ready been trained and have experience, boasting an impressive $75,000.00 similar to Alameda’s Police Sign On Bonus.

Skipping the expenses typically associated with conventional academy training, including instructor fees, equipment purchases, and administrative overhead, frees up a significant chunk of the agency’s budget. Not to mention, bypassing the need to pay wages and benefits to new recruits during their training phase adds to the pot of saved resources. This move acknowledges the skill set and know-how of experienced officers, making long-drawn training periods obsolete and, as a result, bringing in substantial savings for the agency.

By funneling these funds into an attractive signing bonus package, our law enforcement agency positions itself as a competitive and appealing career destination for seasoned professionals. This $75,000.00 sign-on bonus stands as a testament to our recognition of the expertise and dedication of our lateral officers. It’s a powerful motivator for experienced officers to consider making the shift to our team. Their inclusion not only fortifies our operational capabilities but also nurtures a dynamic and diverse work environment brimming with specialized knowledge and honed skills.

With a firm commitment to fiscal responsibility and the nurturing of a high-caliber workforce, the strategic introduction of cost-neutral signing bonuses signals a significant shift in our recruitment approach. By shrewdly redirecting savings from omitted training costs, we demonstrate our unwavering dedication to attracting top-tier talent and bolstering our operational prowess, all in the service of upholding the highest standards of public safety and community well-being.  San Francisco needs to implement Sign On Bonuses Now!

Mayor London Breed’s Controversial Defunding of San Francisco’s Law Enforcement

In the heart of San Francisco, a maelstrom of controversy has emerged, centered around Mayor London Breed’s persistent efforts to curtail the city’s law enforcement capabilities. From her early career as a member of the Board of Supervisors to her current mayoral tenure, Mayor Breed’s commitment to dismantling the criminal justice system has remained a focal point. Despite her intentions to reform, recent actions have evoked questions about the implications of her approach on public safety and the city’s security landscape.

A Legacy of Reform:
Mayor Breed’s crusade against the traditional incarceration system, stemming from personal experiences with incarcerated individuals, has been a driving force behind her political career. Her 2015 declaration to dismantle the system of mass incarceration signified a radical departure from conventional policies, setting the stage for a series of transformative changes within San Francisco’s criminal justice system.


Shifting Priorities in San Francisco:
San Francisco has long been recognized for its progressive criminal justice approach, emphasizing rehabilitation over imprisonment. However, the city’s recent shift toward diverting criminals from traditional incarceration has sparked public outcry. The surge in open-air drug dealing and drug-related fatalities has highlighted the limitations of this lenient approach, leading to a palpable sense of insecurity within the community.

Ambiguous Stance and Public Backlash:
Amid mounting pressure, Mayor Breed’s attempts to increase law enforcement presence have been met with skepticism. Despite minor increases in the jail population, street-level crime rates remain alarming, calling into question the city’s commitment to public safety. The city’s reputation as one that uses leniency without firm enforcement has intensified public frustration and concern.

The Defunding Declaration and Contradictory Actions:
Mayor Breed’s 2020 endorsement of the nationwide movement to defund the police marked a significant turning point in San Francisco’s law enforcement landscape. Despite subsequent attempts to present herself as pro-public safety, her decisions to freeze deputy sheriff and police hiring in 2022 and allocate $120 million from law enforcement to the African American community in 2021 indicate a consistent trend of budget cuts and reallocation, casting doubts on the city’s ability to maintain law and order.

The Sheriff’s Office’s Struggle:
The San Francisco Sheriff’s Office has found itself in a precarious position, grappling with diminished resources and a surge in criminal activity. Mayor Breed’s persistent budget cuts and policy shifts have strained law enforcement capabilities, leaving the city more vulnerable to crime. The reduction in law enforcement officers and the introduction of civilian-led crisis teams have brought into question the effectiveness of Mayor Breed’s reformist approach.


Civilianization of Law Enforcement and Its Implications:
The city’s embrace of civilian-led initiatives has drawn attention to the broader ideological conflict between reformist agendas and the imperative of upholding public safety. While proponents argue for a more community-oriented and empathetic policing approach, critics highlight the inadequacy of such strategies in addressing the complex challenges of urban safety, as evidenced by the continued prevalence of crime and insecurity on San Francisco’s streets.

Silent Defunding and Unaddressed Police Shortages:
Board of Supervisor Safai exposed Mayor London Breed for quiet cutting.  Recent revelations have shed light on Mayor Breed’s discreet budgetary maneuvers, including the failure to increase the Police Department’s recruitment budget despite multiple requests from Police Chief Scott. This inaction has left the SF Police Department with a significant shortage of 700 officers, highlighting the consequences of silent defunding on law enforcement capabilities and public safety.


Mayor London Breed’s fervent commitment to reforming San Francisco’s criminal justice system has resulted in a contentious and turbulent period for the city’s law enforcement agencies. While her advocacy for reform and resource reallocation aligns with progressive ideologies, the adverse impact on public safety and the growing concerns about the city’s security underline the pressing need for a balanced approach that prioritizes both reform and the maintenance of law and order. As San Francisco continues to grapple with rising crime rates, the imperative for a comprehensive and sustainable strategy that addresses both community needs and public safety remains paramount.

San Francisco’s Task Force Launch Sparks Questions Over Sheriff Miyamoto’s Omission

In the latest effort to combat the fentanyl crisis in San Francisco, Governor Gavin Newsom and Mayor London Breed announced the establishment of a joint law enforcement task force. However, the absence of Sheriff Paul Miyamoto and his department from this crucial collaboration has led to discussions and concerns about the comprehensiveness of the initiative and its potential impact on effective law enforcement coordination.

Governor Newsom and Mayor Breed emphasized the urgency of the fentanyl crisis and the need to hold those involved in drug trafficking accountable. The newly formed task force, which includes the San Francisco Police Department, the District Attorney’s Office, the California Highway Patrol, and the California National Guard, aims to handle opioid-related deaths as homicide cases, demonstrating a unified approach to addressing the devastating effects of fentanyl on the local community.

Gov Newsom and Mayor Breed Excluded SF Sheriff
Gov Newsom and Mayor Breed Excluded SF Sheriff

Sheriff Paul Miyamoto’s exclusion from the task force, despite the active involvement of his deputies in patrolling and making arrests in the Tenderloin and SOMA areas, addressing the fentanyl crisis, has raised questions about the decision-making process and the potential implications for effective collaboration among law enforcement agencies. The Sheriff’s Department’s hands-on experience and in-depth understanding of the local communities could significantly contribute to the overall effectiveness of the task force’s operations and strategies.

Critics have also questioned the participation of the California Highway Patrol and the California National Guard, highlighting the importance of including the Sheriff’s Department, actively engaged in tackling the fentanyl crisis on the ground in the Tenderloin and SOMA areas. The exclusion of the Sheriff’s Department has prompted concerns about the comprehensive approach of the task force in addressing the fentanyl crisis, especially considering the experience and contributions that the Sheriff’s Department could offer.

As San Francisco continues to grapple with the far-reaching consequences of the fentanyl crisis, the inclusion of all key stakeholders, including the Sheriff’s Department, remains crucial. A collaborative and inclusive approach is essential to effectively address the challenges posed by the fentanyl crisis and ensure the safety and well-being of the community. It is imperative for local authorities to foster transparent communication and a spirit of cooperation among all law enforcement agencies to effectively tackle the ongoing crisis.

Mayor London Breed’s Strained Relations with Sheriffs Fuel Taxpayer Costs and Public Safety Imbalance in San Francisco

Mayor London Breed’s contentious relationship with the Sheriff’s office in San Francisco has not only sparked a series of lawsuits but has also triggered a financial burden on taxpayers, amplifying concerns about public safety and the welfare of incarcerated people within the county jails. The repercussions of Mayor Breed’s alleged hostility towards the Sheriffs have become increasingly evident, as budget cuts and staffing shortages have resulted in deteriorating jail conditions, mounting legal battles, and a glaring imbalance in the city’s public safety funding.

The degrading conditions within the county jails have prompted a wave of lawsuits filed by prisoners, highlighting the pervasive issues of poor living standards, compromised safety measures, and the absence of adequate healthcare provisions. These legal actions underscore the distressing impact of the Mayor’s purported animosity towards the Sheriff’s office, revealing a systemic neglect of fundamental human rights and a failure to uphold the basic standards of inmate welfare.

Compounding these concerns, the chronic understaffing of deputy sheriffs has not only jeopardized the safety of law enforcement personnel but has also significantly hindered the Sheriff’s office’s ability to ensure the well-being and security of incarcerated people. With the Mayor’s persistent cuts to the Sheriff’s budget, the hiring process has slowed down, at times even halting, exacerbating the strain on an already burdened system and amplifying the risks faced by both inmates and deputies.


As a result of these troubling circumstances, the city has faced mounting legal fees and settlements, as lawsuits filed by inmates continue to surface, with many resulting in successful verdicts against the city administration. The financial implications of these legal battles have created a substantial burden on taxpayers, underscoring the urgent need for a comprehensive reassessment of the city’s approach to public safety funding and correctional facility management.

Furthermore, the stark contrast in budgetary allocations, with the Sheriff’s office facing funding cuts while the police and fire departments enjoy increased financial support, has raised questions about the Mayor’s priorities and the equitable distribution of resources. This unbalanced approach to public safety budgeting has not only widened the gap between various law enforcement entities but has also significantly strained the city’s resources, forcing taxpayers to bear the brunt of mounting legal costs and compromised public safety standards.

In light of these challenges, it is imperative for city officials to prioritize the restoration of a balanced and collaborative approach to public safety funding and jail facility management. Addressing the grievances between the Mayor’s office and the Sheriff’s office, along with a comprehensive overhaul of budget allocations, is crucial to ensuring the effective functioning of the jail system and the overall well-being of all residents in San Francisco. Only through a concerted effort to bridge the gap and foster a unified approach to public safety can the city begin to mitigate the financial strain and uphold the rights and dignity of its residents.