Rising Above the Swamp: Why Public Safety Must Rally Behind Mark Farrell

San Francisco is at a crossroads, and the forces of chaos know it. That’s why a group of desperate, power-hungry politicians has launched a coordinated smear campaign against Mark Farrell—because they fear him. They know that Mark is the only candidate with the strength, vision, and backbone to take on the mess they’ve created. These are not just political attacks. They are calculated attempts to bring down a man who has committed his life to rebuilding this city and ensuring our streets are safe.
Let’s be clear: this is a battle for the soul of San Francisco. A rat pack of career politicians is scrambling to tarnish Mark’s reputation with baseless allegations, using dirty politics as a smokescreen to hide their failures. They see their power slipping away, and they will do anything—anything—to maintain their stranglehold on City Hall.
But here’s what they can’t take: the truth. The truth is that Mark Farrell has a proven track record. As mayor, he fought for public safety, reined in out-of-control spending, and worked tirelessly to solve the crises that these same politicians allowed to spiral out of control. While they bickered and delayed, Mark acted. He delivered.
That’s why they’re coming after him. Because they know he’s the real deal.
We can’t let them succeed. San Francisco’s future hangs in the balance, and if these corrupt politicians win, it will be public safety personnel—our deputies, police officers, firefighters, and first responders—who bear the brunt of their failures. We’ve already seen what happens when leadership caves in to political games: crime goes up, response times suffer, and our streets become more dangerous.
That’s why I’m calling on every one of you—the real backbone of this city—to step up. We need to fight back. We need to show the world that public safety will not be silenced by dirty politics.
Here’s what you can do:
  1. Work one day of overtime and dedicate those earnings to Mark Farrell’s campaign—the only candidate who has our backs.
  2. Donate $500 to ensure that Mark has the resources to fight back against the flood of lies and smears.
This is a critical moment. We cannot afford to sit on the sidelines while the city we serve every day is being torn apart by political hacks. Mark Farrell is the leader we need, and he’s under attack because he represents real change—the change they fear most.
San Francisco deserves better, and so do we. Don’t let the swamp win. Step up, fight back, and let’s get Mark Farrell elected as our mayor. Public safety is on the line, and together, we can ensure that San Francisco has the strong leadership it deserves.