San Francisco Deputy Sheriff catches Robbery Suspects

On the morning of January 5, 2016, San Francisco Deputy Sheriff D. Perez, while off duty and walking his dog, observed two men behaving erratically and shadowing a younger man, possibly with the intention of robbing him.

PerezDeputy Perez immediately texted a friend at the San Francisco Department of Emergency Management dispatch center and learned that two men matching their description were being sought by the San Francisco Police Department.

Deputy Perez provided the SFPD with the suspects’ location. Once the suspects were detained, officers informed Deputy Sheriff Perez that the men were also suspects in other robberies and attempted robberies in the area.

“In this situation Deputy Perez used his law enforcement experience while off duty to recognize potential criminal activity,” said Sgt. M. Kilgariff of San Francisco Sheriff”s Department Civil Section. “We are proud of his quick thinking and his resourcefulness in identifying the two suspects.”